Spanish foods


Vital Spanish vocabulary on foodstuffs
Flashcards by JoeBerry99 , updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JoeBerry99 almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (9)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ajo Garlic
Arroz Rice
Alverjas Peas
Brócoli Broccoli
Cebolla Onion
Chile Chilli pepper
Coles de Bruselas Brussel sprouts
Coliflor Cauliflower
Elote Sweetcorn
Lechuga Lettuce
Maiz Corn
Patatas Potatoes
Pepino Cucumber
Rábano Raddish
Tomate Tomato
Pato Duck
Pavo Turkey
Pollo Chicken
Pollo ala Chicken wing
Carne de res Beef
Cordero Lamb
Cerdo Pork
Jamón Ham
Lomo Steak
Longanizas Sausages
Panceta/Tocino Bacon
Mostaza Mustard
Sal Salt
Tengo hambre I'm hungry
Tengo sed I'm thirsty
Puedo ver al menú, por favor? Can I have the menu, please?
Quisiera… I'd like...
Puede darme…? May I have some...?
Puede darme mas…? May I have some more...?
Tiene usted fruta fresca? Do you have fresh fruit?
Nada más, gracias Nothing more, thankyou
Mesero/Mesera Waiter/Waitress
Estoy a dieta I'm on a diet
Banano Bannana
Coco Coconut
Durazno Peach
Hygos Figs
Lichi Lychee
Lima Lime
Limón Lemon
Grananda Pomegranate
Piña Pinaple
Uva Grape
Naranja Orange
Atún Tuna
Huevos Eggs
Huevos duro Hard boiled eggs
Queso Cheese
Tostado Toast
Jalea y marmelada Jam and marmalade
Mantequilla Butter
Miel Honney
Yogur Yoghurt
Leche Milk
Té con limón Lemon tea
Jugo Juice
Café Coffee
Café con leche Coffee with milk
Café negro Black coffee
Café descafeinado Decaf coffee
Arroz con leche Rice pudding
Flan Custard
Pay Pie
Tarteletas Tarts
Pastel / Queque / Torta Cake
Helado Ice cream
Limonada Lemonade
Cerveza Beer
Vino Wine
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