5th Gr. Language Arts Unit 6 Flash Cards


Jenny Johnson
Flashcards by Jenny Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Jenny Johnson
Created by Jenny Johnson almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
True/False? A quatrain is four lines of rhyming verse True
True/False? All poetry must have rhyme False
True/False? "Buzz" is an example of anomatopoeia True
True/False? Personification is talking about things or animals as if they were people True
True/False? A simile is a comparison which rhymes False
True/False? A pen picture is written in ink False
True/False? Things or happenings that stand for ideas are symbols True
True/False? The word "level" is a palindrome True
True/False? A limerick is a rhymed quatrain False
True/False? Couplets must always rhyme True
was not afraid to show her loyalty Barbara Frietchie
gave up when he could not guess the riddles the Abbot
came on "little cat feet" the fog
sat in church with his boys the village blacksmith
made into a song the Lord's Prayer
a bad ruler with a good sense of humor King John
he drank dew from the grass the bird
left the holy ground unstained the Pilgrim Fathers
changed a king's mind with humor the shepherd
poet who wrote "Fog" Carl Sandburg
All poetry must have rhythm
"Pretty, pink, poodle" is an example of alliteration
Story poems that were sung were called ballads
Made of 2 rhyming lines couplet (remember that the word couple refers to 2)
A humorous poem of five lines limerick
The ______ of a poem made from stressed and unstressed syllables rhythm
A series of poetic lines grouped together stanzas
Poets need to ________ words economize
An ____________ poem is a long poem about a hero epic
2 kinds of comparisons made in poetry are simile and ___________ metaphor
Example of a palindrome rotator
Example of an onomatopoeia crash
Example of a palindrome Stack, cats!
Example of an alliteration Quick, clever, coyote
Example of a simile The cloud looked like a dancing elephant
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