"Dulce et Decorum Est" and "Disabled"


Comparison for Dulce et Decorum Est and Disabled by Wilfred Owen
Flashcards by abby.slinger, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jennabarnes12387 over 9 years ago
Copied by abby.slinger over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
AGE Young soldiers seem old War has aged them
DISABILITY Exaggerated disabilities; like blindness and deafness. Blood on men's feet; cuts from walking or blood of dead men. Everyone tired, slow, beaten down and barely able to walk.
Where does the poem shift/ change? Speeds up - "the gas in the air" Tense also changes from past to present Seem more desperate, as if it is happening right now
Who was Dulce .. originally written for? A patriotic poet, Jessie, encouraging men to go to war using guilt and glorifying war. Designed to tell her and others what war is really like?
Why was the soldier who didn't get his mask "drowning in a green sea"? Lenses in the gas masks are green the view of the speaker The man was poisoned by the gas, gasping for air, like he was drowning.
Why does the speaker describe himself as helpless? There is nothing you can do for someone who is poisoned by gas The speaker is unable to help the man
Significance of "innocent tongues"? It is a directly related to the use of the word corrupt just before Shows war corrupts the innocent
Main message of the poem? War corrupts the innocent Ages the young No honor or glory in dying for ones country Nothing poetic or beautiful in war
Literal translation of Dulce et Decorum Est? It is sweet and honorable to die for ones country
What is the "horrible gray outfit"? He is wearing a hospital gown
What can we INFER about the mans physical disabilities? He is unable to walk At least one of his sleeves it cut off at the elbow, so he has lost and arm He has lost at least 3, maybe 4 limbs
Why do the boys voices fading away make him sad? They are mothered away. Why is this significant? The boys are called home by their mothers to go to bed. He has no women, mother or lover to put him to bed. He is too helpless to even get into bed by himself.
"Girl glancing lovelier as the night comes" Meaning? When night comes girls are more likely to look at you with love or they glance at you/others as they dance.
He says he will never know again how slim girls waists are. Why is this significant? He has only one arm, maybe less, so he cant really hold anyone like he used to. He can't walk, meaning his dancing days are over.
Interpret "threw away his knees" The wastefulness of loosing his legs and How quickly it happened in the explosion
How is the soldiers age apparent? Why is it important? He signed up a year ago > 19, lying so he could inlist early. Depressed, old feeling, forgotten man no more than 19 yrs. Aged him 40 years Taken everything that was was important to him in such a short time.
View on the war before he went ? Glamourous and honourable. Like a football match, all returning glory and only minor injuries Didn't think about fighting Impress girls, uniform, paid, and leave Didn't understand war
Irony of how women would perceive him? His biggest reason for signing up was to impress girls Now women ignore him and treat him like a disease. He has impressed no one.
How has the man changed? Humbler Sad Given up on glory Taking pity where he can get it
How are Dulce et Decorum Est and Disabled related? Show the aftermath of war Criticizing propaganda Expose horrors of war Examine lies used to get men to enlist
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