ccna2 fill in blanks


ccna2 fill in blanks
Barry Truong
Flashcards by Barry Truong, updated more than 1 year ago
Barry Truong
Created by Barry Truong over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. The well-known UDP port numbers are less than _____. 1024
2. In TCP/IP protocol reference model, IP is _____ protocol. Layer 3
3. RIP uses three timers to support its operation. They are Periodic,____ , and Garbage Collection timers. Expiration
4. A router (IP address: wants to send a message to every host on 
a local network using direct broadcast address. The destination IP address for the 
message is _____.
5. Routing protocol RPM stands for ______ Reverse Path Multicasting
6. Split horizon and ________ are used to solve the problem of two-node 
routing loop in Distance Vector (DV) routing. poison reverse
7. RIP packets are encapsulated in _______ datagrams. UDP
9. The netid of the IP address is ______.
10. A company is allocated IP address for its corporate network. The company decided to divide its corporate network into 4 subnets. The subnet mask used by the company is ______.
11. In TCP/IP protocol suite, a process is uniquely identified by the combination of an IP address and ______.
 port number
12. UDP is a connectionless, ______ transport protocol unreliable
13. TCP is a ______-oriented transport protocol connection
14. IP address is a Class ______ IP address A
15. An IPv6 address is ______ bytes in length 16
16. An Internet is a network of ______ networks
17. Protocols define ______ order of messages and actions taken on 
messages. format
18. In OSI model, Session layer packets are carried by ______ layer packets. Transport
19. ______ and ______ are two major responsibilities of network 
layer. Routing , addressing
20. In TCP/IP protocol suite, ICMP is a ______ layer protocol. Internet
21. MTU ______ protocol is used to find out the minimum MTU (Maximum 
Transfer Unit) on the path between the source and the destination. Discovery
22. The netid of IP address is ______.
23. A local ISP is connected to the rest of the Internet through a ______ ISP regional
24. A router (IP address: wants to send a message to every host on a local network using direct broadcast address. The destination IP address for the message is ______.
25. ______ and ______ are two unicast routing protocols used in the Internet RIP , OSPF
26. In Distance Vector (DV) routing, the least cost means ___ shortest path
27. Mapped addresses are used by TCP machines when sending packets to IPv4 machines _
28. There are 5 Layers in the ___ protocols. routing
29. The netid of IP address is ___
30. The original form of IPv6 address of 0:FA::0 is ___ 0000:FA:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
31. RIP will only route a packet maximum of ___ hops 16
32. RIP and EIGRP are examples of ___ routing protocols distant vector
33. A TCP client sends ___segment to open a TCP connection SYN
34. OSPF and IS-IS are examples of ___ routing protocols link state
35. ___ bits need to be borrowed from the hosted field of a class b network address in order to create 16 subnets 4
36. There are ___bits in an IPv4 address 32
37. FTP employs ___ as the transport layer for data transfer TCP
38. Routers running OSPF protocol use ___ messages to establish neighbor relationship LSA(link state advertisement)
39. A 600 byte UDP packet contains ___ bytes of user data 572
40. The acknowledgement number defines the number of the ___byte the receiver expects to receive recognizable
41. The UDP port number used to send mobile IP Registration messages is ___ 434
42. The original (unabbreviated) form of IPv6 address 0:4A::0 is ___ 0000:4A:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000
43. Assume RIP is used as the only routing protocol in a corporate network. The maximum hop count of the corporate network is ___ ___15
44. RIP and ___are two unicast routing protocol commonly used in the Internet. OSPF
45. In TCP protocol, a client TCP sends ___segment to close a TCP connection. FIN
46. Mobile node A has home address It has just moved to a foreign network. Assume A is assigned a care-of-address of in the foreign network. A is now communicating with node B which has an IP address of A will use ___ as the source IP address for packets sent to B.
47. The IP address of a university's campus network is Assume the campus network has 8 subnets. ___are needed to be borrowed from the hostid field to identify subnets in the network. 5bits
48. The header of an IPv6 packet is ___ in length. 40 bytes
49. Routers running BGP protocol use ___ messages to establish neighborhood relationship with their neighbors. keep-alive
50. A UDP packet is 300 bytes in length. It contains ___bytes of user data. 292
51. A TCP receiver just receives a 305-byte TCP segment. Assume the sequence number of the TCP segment is 110011. The acknowledgment number used to acknowledge the successful reception of the TCP segment is ___. 52
8. BGP uses four different types of messages. They are Open, ___, Keepalive, 
and Notification messages. Update_
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