Language Change


Flashcards on Language Change, created by pooleyl on 18/06/2015.
Flashcards by pooleyl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pooleyl over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Genre change and the language of chat rooms o Bex (1996)- generic labels are used to describe groups of texts which seem to have similar features, and be performing similar social functions. o Genre can change in 3 different ways: 1- Change within genre 2- A new sub-genre 3- New genres might develop from this. o The language of chat rooms involves informalisation (Goodman)- uses number/letter homophones, initialisations, collocations and para linguistic features.
Sharon Goodman o Collocation= when the phrases often come together e.g.: 'Happy birthday to you' o Para linguistic features= features that go on top of the words e.g.: tone, register. o 'X' is a supercharged typographic icon,- a graphemic symbol used to create a range of signified meanings. o For example: - Work is wrong, a kiss, 'x' marks the spot, graphs, meaning in algebra, explicit x-rated and danger keep out.
Sharon Goodman and Crystal o Texts are becoming increasingly multi-modal- they use devices from more than one semiotic mode of communication simultaneously. o Texts no longer rely on just words alone. o Crystal- asynchronous= groups where postings are posted on boards e.g.: boards on face book/twitter o Synchronous= groups who chat in real time- real conversations and dialogue e.g.: instant chat rooms.
Crystal and the use of exclamation marks o ' In chat groups, silence is ambiguous' it could reflect: 1- A deliberate withholding 2- A temporary inattention 3- A physical absence (without signing off). o Exclamation marks- have caused an 'internet renaissance that is bleeding into every form of written communication'. o Lynne Truss- highlighted the importance of punctuation which can be easily misunderstood if used in an incorrect manner.
The use of exclamation marks o Fitzgerald- people use exclamation marks to obey cultural norms. o Shipley and Schwalbe- exclamation marks show friendliness and excitement. o Were not used before the 1970's because not many typewriters had an exclamation mark key. o Waseleski- women use more exclamation marks than men. o Greene- exclamation marks showed a sign of excitability. o High frequency of exclamation marks were regarded as an orthographic intensifier. o Gaye- women were bending the knee of the cultural norm in which friendliness is obligatory (positive politeness). o Exclamation marks show friendliness in an email or text.
Language change and gender o Dominance= Zimmerman and West o Difference- Deborah Tannen o Deficit- women have something missing. o Change in job titles as they were once gendered and only focused on males e.g.: actor. o Lexical asymmetry- bachelor and spinster. o Order of precedence- brother, sister. o Job titles have unequal representations- marked (women added suffix of -ess) and unmarked terms (men). o Adjective for women are based on them as sexual objects or the ideal women- can be consumed or are in nurturing roles. o Adjectives for men focus on masculine characteristics.
Language change and gender o Generic use of the 3rd person singular pronoun 'he' for both males and females. o Patronising terms used for women- animals/ can be consumed/ small and dainty. o Diachronic change- change that has happened between the two adverts (over time).
Changes in speech style o Omission- sounds disappear from words- often the clipping of the final consonants. o Assimilation- pronunciation of one phoneme is affected by an adjacent phoneme. Aitchison- natural tendency in all languages o Ease of articulation- making words or phrases easier to say. This could be a sign of laziness rather than an inevitable process (Aitchison- damp spoon syndrome). o Social prestige and changes within society- social mobility causes less regional variation. Informalisation has affected spoken language. o Accommodation theory- speakers adjust their speech to accommodate others, showing their need for approval (convergence). o Divergence- making an accent stronger or adopting exaggerated speech behaviours, in order to distance themselves from the other speakers.
Estuary English o The effect of London accents spreading through counties adjoining them along the Thames. o Mixing of 'ordinary' London and southern accents with RP. It conforms to Standard English grammatically and lexically, but has a distinct phonology. o Features include: - glottal stops- omission of the 't' in words e.g.: 'foo'ball'. - 'l' vocalisation where the 'w' sound replaces 'l' e.g.: 'foobaw' - yod coalescence- 'y' sound is changed due to the preceding consonant e.g: forchoon.
English as a global language- David Crystal o Different varieties of English that sound increasingly divergent from each other. o Language is adopted to meet speaker's own communicative needs. o Words adopt new meanings and new idiomatic phrases. o Each new community that uses English will use lexical adaptation. o Words will be taken over from the local setting. o Period of diversification- countries that have adopted English to suit their own language.
Positive and Negative politeness o Positive politeness= reducing the gap- has features such as: - claiming common ground - Exaggerating interest - Seeking agreement - Conveying cooperation o Negative politeness= overly polite and trying not to impose on someone (shows distance). This includes features such as: - Using indirect speech acts - Questioning/hedging - Minimising the imposition - Apologising and admitting they are in the wrong.
Dennis Freeborn- attitudes about regional accents o There are three attitudes towards regional accents according to Dennis Freeborn: 1- The incorrectness view- all accents are incorrect apart from Standard English and RP. 2- The ugliness view- some accents do not sound nice. 3- The impreciseness view- some accents are lazy and sloppy.
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