Structure of the neuron


Year 11 Psychology Flashcards on Structure of the neuron, created by Alyssa Cronin on 18/03/2021.
Alyssa Cronin
Flashcards by Alyssa Cronin, updated more than 1 year ago
Alyssa Cronin
Created by Alyssa Cronin almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Dendrites receive incoming information from other neurons and transmit it to the cell body
Axon transfer information over distance in the nervous system
Myelin sheath fatty cover that protects the axon -leaves gaps where the membrane of the axon is exposed
Nodes of Ranvier Gaps between myelin sheath that speeds transmission of electron signal allow nutrients to enter and waste product to leave the axon
Synapses allows transmission of impulses occurs at tiny gap between axon terminal and a dendrite known as synaptic gap
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