250 Semiotics


Flashcards on 250 Semiotics, created by mark k on 21/06/2015.
mark k
Flashcards by mark k, updated more than 1 year ago
mark k
Created by mark k over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
semantics relationship between signs/symbols and what they represent
denotation "this means that" eg. the word CAT means a cat
connotation levels/chains of denotation -Context sensitive eg. smoke -> cake left in oven too long -> cake ruined
signification relationship between signifier and signified
signifier the form of a sign
signified the concept represented by a sign
peirce typology of signs: iconic indexical symbolic
iconic signs an image: looks like what it signifies
indexical signs connected to concepts by proximity, links. e.g.natural consequences smoke -> fire
symbolic signs arbitrary learned link, no casual relationship to the concept e.g. the word CAT exceptions eg. onomatopoieas
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