parts of the body


idiomas Inglês Flashcards on parts of the body, created by Paula Bastone on 25/06/2015.
Paula Bastone
Flashcards by Paula Bastone, updated more than 1 year ago
Paula Bastone
Created by Paula Bastone almost 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
head from head to toe cabeção da cabeção ao dedo do pé
brain cérebro
hair cabelo
face rosto
eye olhos
nose nariz
mouth boca
tooth/ teeth dente/ dentes
tongue língua
lip lábios
ear eardrum orelha tímpano
neck pescoço
throat garganta
shoulder ombro
arm braço
elbow cotovelo
hand mão
finger dedo da mão
leg perna
knee joelho
foot feet pé pés
cheast peito
breast mama
rib costela
heart coração
lung pulmão
liver fígado
kidney rim
stomach estômago
abdomen abdomen
the bowels the intestines intestino
faeces stools fezes
buttocks nádegas
anus anus
urine urina
to urinate urinar
genitals genitália
vagina vagina
penis pênis
circulation circulação
blood sangue
vein artery veia artéria
skeleton bone esqueleto osso
joint junta, articulação
skin pele
muscle músculo
nerve nervous (adj) nervo nervoso
eufenismo eufenismo
anus back passage
breast bust chest
buttocks behind bottom seat
to defecate have the bowels opened
faeces stools motions
genitals private parts
penis private part (s) privates
to urinate pass water
vagina down below front passage private (part)
vomit be sick
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