The paragraph panel in Microsoft Word


A refresher quiz on using the paragraph tools panel in Microsoft word
T0ny T
Flashcards by T0ny T, updated more than 1 year ago
T0ny T
Created by T0ny T almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is a bullet? a symbol or icon that is placed on a list
can you add your own custom bullets in Word? yes use the define new bullet feature by clicking on the bullet list option
what are the different ways of aligning text? Align left, centre, align right, justify and change line spacing
At least one edge is neatly arranged when you align text, true or false FALSE when you centre text there are no neat margins
How do you change space between paragraphs? use line space tool to add space by fixed or custom amounts
How can you add a line across your document? Choose horizontal line from borders option
What methods can you use to indent text? 1. The indent tool on the paragraph panel 2. use the tab key on the keyboard 3. Adjust the indent markers on the ruler
Why would you use the show hidden format marks? A good example is looking for hidden page breaks or paragraph marks that make the layout of the document unpredictable
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