Unit 1 -Psych


Flashcards for my psych 101 final
Flashcards by hjlkiev, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Alexis  F
Created by Alexis F over 9 years ago
Copied by hjlkiev over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Definition of Psychology the study of the mind of behavior
How does a neuron work with a message? What does what? DENDRITE receives nerve info ---> AXON sends message ---> MYELIN protects the Axon when sending a message
Steps in Action Potential?? --Stimulus is Introduction -Resting potential (Inside-Negative(Potassium) Outside-Positive(Sodium) -Depolarization(Sodium rushes into the cell) --> creates Action Potential
Communication style of neurons? Communicate across neurons
What Am I? -Surround axons, they insulate axons which help the message send quicker? Schwann Cells
True/False? Neurons touch each other when sending a message False. Neurons do not touch each-other
How do signals between Neurons travel? Synapse-space between axon and Dendrite
Stimulus cells that either excite or inhibit a neigboring neuron. Causing a behavior Neurotransmitters
The time that it takes for an action potential to travel depends on the ______of the _________ & how far it has to travel Strength Stimulus
______ stays constant in an action potential ________ can change when it is recieved Strength Time
What happens to left over neurotransmitters? They can be reabsorbed(reuptake) or blocked
What determines the strength of the message? Neural firing-->greater magnitude of experience
Peripheral Nervous System -Connects to skin & Muscles. (Nerves) Blue Nerves (Somatic NS) Red Nerves (Autonomic NS)
In the Peripheral NS, what do the Blue Nerves Control? What do the Red Nerves Control? Blue - control voluntary muscles, & convey sensory info to the central nervous system Red - Controls the heart, stomach, other organs.
What system are the Blue Nerves related to? Somatic NS - Voluntary
What system are the Red Nerves related to? Autonomic NS-involuntary things
Sympathetic muscles are.... expanding energy, doing an action
Central Nervous controls the.... Brain, Spinal Cord
What side of brain controls the left side of the body? The right brain.
What happens if the corpus Colosseum is severed? There would be no communication, each side would receive info seperately
Functions of The Frontal Lobe? Executive Control -Thinking -Planning Organising -Problem Solving -Emotions -Personality Behavior Control
Functions of The Occipital Lobe? What happens if you damage it? Vision -If you damage it you'd have no awareness of what you were seeing, but you'd know subconsciously what it looked like
Functions of the Temporal Lobe? Memory Understanding Language (If you damage this, you'd have trouble recognizing voices and music)
Functions of the Parietal Lobe? -Perception -Making sense of the world -spelling -arithmatic
Types of Psychologists? Teach & Research Organizational Individual
Where do psychologists work? Companies Schools Hospitals Research facilities Gvt.
Someone who reads and learns from the research conducted by others? Research Consumer
Someone who conducts research studies & collects studies? Research Producer
1.Can you be a research producer without being a consumer? 2.Can you be a consumer without being a researcher? 1. No 2. Yes
Difference b/t psychologists & psychiatrists Psychologists get a Doctorate, cannot prescribe meds Psychiatrists - have MD, can prescribe meds.
The Types of studies for research? Self-Report Physiological Obersvational
Random assignment vs Sampling Random A- when you pick your participants at random from the pop. While Sampling is the researchers choosing who gets to participate to represent the population
WEIRD Western Educated Industrial Rich Democratic
What type of samples do most people use? Convenient Samples
What does the IRB stand for? What does it do? Institutional Review Board -decides whether researchers can do the study. Weights the risk/reward factors Assesses the damage to the particpants
describes exactly what the variables are and how they are measured within the context of your study Operational Definition
Common stats in psych research? Mean Median Mode
This Common stat tells you the average Mean
This common stat tells you the middle value Median
This common stat tells you the most frequent value Mode
Tells you how much the scores deviate from the mean Standard Deviation
When you are not doing an experiment, you use_______________________ for analyse Correlational Data (r)
What are the directions that (r) can go? -Positive Correlation (+1) if both variables move in the same direction No correlation (0) -Negative Correlation (-1) When variables move in opposite directions
Best way to visualize correlational data?
What kind of data do you use when you aren't controlling variables Correlational Data
When you think that theres a relationship b/t two variables, but really there is no relationship or its very weak Illusory Correlations
Manipulated Variable is called? Independent Variable
Measured Variable is called? Dependent Variable
The group that isn't manipulated in an experiment is called the Control Group
The group that uses random assignment? Between Group
The group that uses the same people for each experiment Within groups
Stat bundle -what do they mean r M SD T-score F-score P-value r-correlational data M-mean SD-standard deviation T-score-difference b/t 2 groups F-score difference for 3 or more groups P-value - How likely due to chance
Function of the... pupil? Iris? Sclera? Pupil controls how much light is let into the eye Iris is the eye color, contracts to change size of pupil Scelera is the whites of your eyes, an protects the surface anatomy of the eye
Function of the Cornea Lens Retina Vitreous Humor Fovea Cornea - covers the surface of they eye and is responsible for 2/3 of the focusing power Lens-helps to focus on the retina -->responsible for the process of accommodation Retina -layer of visual receptors covers the outer surface of eye in the back Vitreous H - the jelly substance in the middle Fovea- Where the greatest density of photoreceptors exist
The whole is different from the sum of its parts Gestalt Principles
The Gestalt principles are? Proximity Similarity Good Continuation Simplicity Closure
Gestalt Principle: We automatically perceive complete objects; not absent space Closure
Gestalt Principle: Simplicity AKA? Law of Good Figure we tend to interpret a form in the simplest way possible
Gestalt Principle: Good Continuation even when objects are blocked we assume they continue
Gestalt Principle: Similarity We tend to groups things that are similar
Gestalt Principle: Promixity Grouping things together b/c they are close to eachother
Top-Down Processing? Interpretation based on prior knowledge -experience driven
Bottom-up processing? Interpretation based on what is in your environment
Signal Detection Theory? 4 possible decisions when a stimulis is present or Absent Preset - Hit/Miss Absent - False Alarm/Correct Rejection
What are the 3 theories of vision? Trichromatic Theory of Color Vision Opponent-Process Theory Retinex Theory
Whats the theory? Color vision depends on the response rate of the various types of cones Trichromatic Theory
Whats the theory? We perceive color in terms of paired opposites (red/green blue/yellow etc) Opponent-Process Theory
Whats the theory? The cerebral cortex compares the patterns of light coming from the different parts of the retina & synthesizes a color perception of each area? Retinex Theory
Visual Constancy? We percieve objects as maintaining their phyiscal characteristics, despite variations in their actual appearance
Monocular Cues? Using cues from our environment from one eye. (Linear Environments Detail/Texture Interposition-looking at objects in relation to other stuff Shadows)
Our eyes have to turn(come closer) when we try to focus near objects Convergence (Binocular Cue)
Retinal Disparity? Our left & right eye have different perspective regarding the placement of an object comparative to our environment
Induced Movement? When something appears to move when its not moving
Stroboscopic Movement? Illusion of movement caused by rapid succesion of stationary images
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