

An in-depth description of adjectives and adverbs as well as how to use them correctly.
Tahirintsoa Naharivelo
Flashcards by Tahirintsoa Naharivelo, updated more than 1 year ago
Tahirintsoa Naharivelo
Created by Tahirintsoa Naharivelo over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Modifiers. All adjectives and adverbs are modifiers but not all modifiers belong to the two groups.
Description. form a picture in the reader's mind, through the 5 senses.
Descriptive language. The use of adjectives and adverbs.
Adjectives. further describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.
Adverbs. anything that an adjective doesn't modify. (verbs, other adverbs, adjectives).
The royal order of Adjectives. To lead a reader down a logical path: obsrvtn, phys desc: size, shape, age, color; origin; material; qualifier.
Comparative adjectives. comparative -er, superlative -est.
One syllable ends with 2 consonants. Simply add -er & -est at the end: Fast, faster, fastest.
CVC pattern: consonant, vowel, consonant. Double the final consonant. Big, bigger, biggest.
2 syllables & end in -y Drop the -y and replace it with -ier. Happy, happier, happiest.
Anything else. Add more and (the) most before the main adjective. Modern, more modern, the most modern.
Irregular. doesn't follow the pattern. Good, better, best. Bad, worse, the worst.
Compound adjectives. 2 adjectives connected with a hyphen to make 1 adjective with one meaning.
examples. man-eating, heavy-metal.
Pronouns as adjectives. Demonstrative & possessive. It's is [her] car. We are using [that] shovel.
Prepositional Phrases as Adjectives. The books [on the curriculum] Don't judge a book [by its cover].
Adverbs. Come after the verb, modifies verbs, adjectives & other adverbs.
Hyphenated Adverbs. An adjective attached to an adverb. Adv modifies the Adj and Adj is modifying the noun.
Example. [Beautiful-looking] flowers. [best-known] author.
How to chose between adjectives and adverbs. Want to modify the noun or pronoun: Adjectives. Want to modify an action or anything else: Adverbs.
an intuitive way to chose. As a writer, what do you want to emphasize to the reader more? The action or the noun?
Speech rules. She plays basketball [well]. I am doing [well]. both plays and doing are verbs.
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