
Bagru printing is a traditional printing technique that is done using natural colours. It is a craft practiced by the 'chippas' community in a remote town of Rajasthan. Bagru printing is generally done on a blue or indigo background.
Rajveer Music My Breath
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Rajveer Music My Breath
Created by Rajveer Music My Breath over 3 years ago
Rajveer Music My Breath
Copied by Rajveer Music My Breath over 3 years ago

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Bagru printing is a traditional printing technique that is done using natural colours. It is a craft practiced by the 'chippas' community in a remote town of Rajasthan. Bagru printing is generally done on a blue or indigo background. This region is popular for two kinds of prints: Dabru prints and seyali-bagru prints. Bagru is most famous for its typical wooden hand block prints. These prints of Bagru are acclaimed all over India, and are particularly known as "Bagru prints". The Prints of Bagru, unlike other prints, involve a different kind of printing.
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