Verbs in the past


Practice the verbs in the past!
Fernanda Maas
Flashcards by Fernanda Maas, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernanda Maas
Created by Fernanda Maas over 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Correr Run - Run - Ran
Ser Be - Was - Been
Começar Begin - Began - Begun
Morder Bite - Bit - Bitten
Quebrar Break - Broke - Broken
Trazer Bring - Brought - Brought
Construir Build - Built - Built
Queimar Burn - Burnt - Burnt
Comprar Buy - Bought - Bought
Fazer Do - Did - Done
Beber Drink - Drank - Drunk
Sonhar Dream - Dreamed - Dreamt
Dirigir Drive - Drove - Driven
Comer Eat - Ate - Eaten
Sentir Feel - Felt - Felt
Cair Fall - Fell - Fallen
Lutar Fight - Fought - Fought
Dançar Dance - Danced - Danced
Escovar Brush - Brushed - Brushed
Ligar Call - Called - Called
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