Head and Neck muscles with names


lab 16 head and neck muscles
Sabrina Swafford
Flashcards by Sabrina Swafford, updated more than 1 year ago
Sabrina Swafford
Created by Sabrina Swafford over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Epicranius (Frontal Belly) Origin: Aponeurosis Insertion: Skin of eyebrows Actions: -Elevates eyebrows -Wrinkles forehead
Epicranius (Frontal Belly) Origin: Aponeurosis Insertion: Skin of eyebrows Actions: -Elevates eyebrows -Wrinkles forehead
Orbicularis Oculi Origin: Frontal and Maxillary bones Insertion: Tissue of eyelids Actions: Closes eyes as in blinking
Orbicularis Oculi Origin: Frontal and Maxillary bones Insertion: Tissue of eyelids Actions: Closes eyes as in blinking
Orbicularis Oculi Origin: Frontal and Maxillary bones Insertion: Tissue of eyelids Actions: Closes eyes as in blinking
Buccinator Origin: Maxilla and Mandible Insertion: Orbicularis Oris Actions: Compresses cheeks inwards (whistling and sucking)
Zygomaticus Origin: Zygomatic bone Insertion: Skin and muscle at corner of mouth Actions: Raises corners of mouth (smiling)
Zygomaticus Origin: Zygomatic bone Insertion: Skin and muscle at corner of mouth Actions: Raises corners of mouth (smiling)
Zygomaticus Origin: Zygomatic bone Insertion: Skin and muscle at corner of mouth Actions: Raises corners of mouth (smiling)
Masseter Origin: Arch of the Zygomatic bone Insertion: Ramus of the Mandible Actions: -Closes jaw -Elevates mandible
Masseter Origin: Arch of the Zygomatic bone Insertion: Ramus of the Mandible Actions: -Closes jaw -Elevates mandible
Masseter Origin: Arch of the Zygomatic bone Insertion: Ramus of the Mandible Actions: -Closes jaw -Elevates mandible
Orbicularis Oris Origin: maxilla and mandible Insertion: Skin and muscle around mouth Actions: Closes and puckers lips
Orbicularis Oris Origin: maxilla and mandible Insertion: Skin and muscle around mouth Actions: Closes and puckers lips
Temporalis Origin: Temporal bone Insertion: Coronoid Process of Mandible Actions: -Closes jaw -Elevates and retracts mandible
Temporalis Origin: Temporal bone Insertion: Coronoid Process of Mandible Actions: -Closes jaw -Elevates and retracts mandible
Temporalis Origin: Temporal bone Insertion: Coronoid Process of Mandible Actions: -Closes jaw -Elevates and retracts mandible
Sternocleidomastoid Origin: Manubrium of Sternum and Clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone Actions: -One rotates head to the opposite side - Both flexes head
Sternocleidomastoid Origin: Manubrium of Sternum and Clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone Actions: -One rotates head to the opposite side - Both flexes head
Sternocleidomastoid Origin: Manubrium of Sternum and Clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone Actions: -One rotates head to the opposite side - Both flexes head
Sternocleidomastoid Origin: Manubrium of Sternum and Clavicle Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone Actions: -One rotates head to the opposite side - Both flexes head
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