Basic Philosophical Terms and Concepts


Presented by Dr. Rick Gallimore
Flashcards by ian.mcpherson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ian.mcpherson about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
REASONING Process of arriving at one belief on the basis of another
Objective Theory of Truth (OTT) Statement is true iff the statement corresponds to the facts (i.e., the way the world is)
One Truth Value Principle (OTV) Every statement is true or false, noe statement is both and no statement is neither
Statement S is NECESSARY =df. S is true and it is not possible for S to be false
Statement S is IMPOSSIBLE =df. S is false and it is not possible for S to be true
Statement S is CONTINGENT =df. S is true but might have been false OR S is false but might have been true
ARGUMENT Statements or propositions related such that some of the statements (premises) are reasons for thinking that another statement (conclusion) is true (well formed argument must contain at least one premise and one conclusion)
Argument VALID iff impossible for all its premises to be true and its conclusion to be false (IF premises true, conclusion would have to be true)
Alternative definition of VALIDITY Argument is valid iff following is a necessary truth: if all of the argument's premises are true, then its conclursion is true
Argument COGENT iff 1. It is not valid, but 2. if its premises are true, then its conclusion is probably (though not necessarily) true
STRONG ARGUMENT "good argument" for a person iff 1. argument os either valid or cogent and 2. the person is fully justified in believing that all of the argument's premises are true
BELIEF PRINCIPLE (BP) Whenever a person considers any statement, she must adopt exactly one of the following attitudes re truth: believe it disbelieve it suspend judgment (not true or untrue)
EVIDENTIALISM (E) Statement S is rationally (epistemically) justified for a person at at time iff S is supported by person's total evidence at the time
PHILOSOPHY Might be described as the search for "good" arguments for various philosophical claims
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