Civics Ch. 1 Vocabulary


Civic ch. 1 terms
victoria russ
Flashcards by victoria russ, updated more than 1 year ago
victoria russ
Created by victoria russ about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
civics study of citizenship (rights & responsibilities) and government
responsibilities things you OUGHT to do Ex. Be informed
Duties things we are required by law to do Ex. obey laws, serve on a jury or as a witness in court, pay taxes, serve in the armed forces if called, attend school
government authority that rules a country
autocracy "rule by one or self" Ex. monarchy, dictatorship
Oligarchy Govt. ruled by a few, a small group of people
democracy a form of government in which the supreme authority rests with the people
direct democracy in this type of democracy EVERY citizen votes
representative democracy aka indirect democracy. Ex. US; type of democracy where citizens vote for representatives who govern on their behalf
totalitarianism aka dictatorships; dictator has "total" control over people's lives
E Pluribus Unum "Out of many, one"
immigrants people who move permanently to a new country
Refugees- people who flee their own country because of war, famine, or oppression
Naturalization legal process to become a citizen
A New US Citizen
US Citizenship and Immigration Services agency responsible for overseeing immigration in US
deport to send someone here illegally back to their own country
quotas the numerical limit placed on the number of immigrants to the US
"salad bowl theory" aka pluralism; theory recognizes the cultural diversity of citizens in the US
"melting pot theory"refers to immigration during the 1700's & 1800's when groups gave up their cultural heritage
What do you think?
expatriation giving up your citizenship to become a citizen of another country
Popular Sovereignty
Rule of Law basic principle of a democracy; means NO ONE is ABOVE the law! the law applies to everyone the same
Federalism AKA federal system; A LAYER CAKE; division of power between LEVELS of government; Founding Fathers created a strong national government.
Federal System (aka Federalism) govt. in which power is divided between national, state , and local govt.
separation of powers
system of checks and balances each branch of govt. has a "check" or limit on the power of the other 2 branches. Ex. The President can veto a law passed by Congress
English philosopher who came up with natural rights philosophy John Locke
5 Functions/Purposes of Govenment 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future
Which government function is shown in the picture? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future
Government function? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future
Which government function is shown here? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future
Government function? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future
Government function? 1. provides services 2. make & enforce laws 3. keep order 4. provide stability & security 5. provide for the future
Fourteenth Amendment
Supremacy Clause Article 6 of the Constitution states the Constitution & federal law= supreme law of the land
The introduction of the US Constitution begins with the words WE THE PEOPLE
MOTD Learning Formula for 4 types of government Ancient Greece had M-Monarchy O-Oligarchy T-Tyranny D-Democracy
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