Chapter 4 Key Terms


Cost Accounting Chapter 4 Key Terms
Flashcards by angel.shafer1571, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by angel.shafer1571 over 9 years ago

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Activity is any repetitive action that is performed in fulfillment of a business function.
Activity Analysis The process of studying activities to classify them.
Activity-based costing (ABC) is a cost accounting system that focuses on an organization's activities, collects costs on the basis of the underlying nature and extent of those activities, and uses the gathered information to determine product/service cost accumulation and assess the appropriateness of activity elimination
Activity-based management (ABM) is a business process model focusing on the control of production or performance activities so that they improve customer value and enhance profitability
Activity Center is any part of the production or service process for which management wants a separate reporting of costs.
Activity Driver measures the demands placed on activities and, thus, the resources consumed by products and services.
Batch-Level Costs Costs that are caused by a group of things being made, handled, or processed at a single time
Business Value Added (BVA) Activity Activities that are essential (or appear to be essential) to business operations but for which customers would not willingly choose to pay
Cost Driver Analysis The proecess of investigating, quantifiying, and explaining the relationships of cost drivers and their related costs
Cycle (lead) time The time from the receipt to the completion of a product or service order is equal to value-added time plus non-value-added time
Idle Time the time goods spend in storage or waiting at a production operation for processing, this time is non-value added
Inspection Time The time required to perform quality control other than what is internal to the process; this time is usually considered non-value added unless the consumer would actually be willing to pay for it
Manufacturing Cycle Efficiency (MCE) A ratio resulting from dividing the acutal production time by total lead time; reflects the proportion of lead time that is value added
Mass Customization A process of personalizing production that is generally accomplished through the use of felxible manufacturing systems; reflects an organization's increase in product variety from the same basic component elements
Non-Value Added (NVA) Increases the time spent on a product or service but does not increase its worth or value to the customer
Organizational-Level Cost A cost incurred to support the ongoing facility or operations
Pareto Principle A rule that states that the greatest effects in human endeavors are traceable to a small number of causes (the vital few), while the majority of causes (the trivial many) collectively yield only a small impact; is often referred to as the 20:80 rule
Process A series of activities that, when performed together, satisfy a specific objective
Process Complexity An assessment about the number of processes through which a product flows
Process Map A flowchart or diagram indicating every step that goes into making a product or providing a service; includes value-added and non-value-added time
Processing (service) Time The actual time it takes to perform the functions necessary to manufacture a product; is value-added time
Product Complexity An assessment about the number of components in a product
Product-Level (process-level) Cost A cost that is caused by the development, production, or acquisition of specific products or services
Product Variety The number of different types of products produced (or services rendered) by a firm
Service Cycle Efficiency (SCE) A ratio resulting from dividing total actual value-added service time by total cycle time; reflects the proportion of total time that is value-added
Transfer Time The time consumed by moving products or components from one place to another; is non-value-added time
Unit-Level Costs A cost caused by the production or acquisition of a single unit of product or the delivery of a single unit of service
Value-Added (VA) Activity An activity that increases the worth of the product or service to the customer; an activity for which the customer is willing to pay
Value Chart A visual representation indicating the value-added and non-value-added activities and time spent in those activities from the beginning to the end of a process
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