week 4 vocabulary


50A Group 1 of vocabulary words
Amy Jacobs
Flashcards by Amy Jacobs, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Jacobs
Created by Amy Jacobs over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Acquired Immunity Immunity that the body develops after overcoming disease through inoculation (such as flu vaccinations) or through exposure to natural allergens such as pollen, cat dander and ragweed
Allergy Reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances
Binary Fission Division of bacteria cells into two new cells called daughter cells
Chelating Soap AKA known as chelating detergent; they break down stubborn films and remove the residue of pedicure products such as scrubs, salts and masks
Efficacy Ability to produce an effect
Prevention Is the key to avoiding problems
Ethics The moral of principles by which we live and work
Fungi Single cell organisms that grow in irregular masses that include molds, mildew, and yeasts; can produce contagious such as ringworm
Hepatitis A blood borne virus that causes disease and can damage the liver
Mildew Type of fungus that affects plants or grows on inanimate objects but does not cause human infection in salons
Parasites Organisms that grow, feed, and shelter on or in another organism while contributing nothing to the survival of that organism Parasite must have a host to survive
Physical Presentation Your posture as well as the way you walk and move
Protoplasm Colorless jelly like substance found inside cells which food elements such as protein, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and water are present
Spirilla Spiral or corkscrew shaped bacteria that cause disease such as syphilis and lyme disease
Toxins Various poisonous substances
Diplococci Spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause disease such as pneumonia
Pediculosis Capitis Infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice
Phenolic Disinfectant Powerful tuberculocidal disinfectants. They are a form of formaldehyde have a very high PH and can damage the skin and eyes
EPA Environmental Protection Agency registers all types of disinfectants sold and used in the U.S.
Gold and Silver Zhou Dynasty AKA Chou Dynasty are the royal colors tinted on nails the non royals caught wearing gold and silver were killed in this time
Motivation Time management skills will help people move to the next level in their career
Bleach Used to disinfect large surface areas such as countertops and floors
Customer Service having the ability to adjust to the personality of the customer before, during and after a purchase/service
Time Management Conscious control of time spent in specific activities especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity
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