Medieval/ Middle Age Medicine c1250 - 1500


the key points and facts on Medieval medicine
Oluchi Alisi
Flashcards by Oluchi Alisi, updated more than 1 year ago
Oluchi Alisi
Created by Oluchi Alisi over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the two branches of the causes of diseases in the Medieval time period? supernatural, religious and rational and natural.
Define Supernatural A manifestation or event that to an extent is beyond scientific understanding of laws or nature
Define Rational/ Natural Based on or in accordance with reason or logic, or and observation based on the world around you
Define Prevention Stopping someone from being ill or contracting a disease
Define Cure/Treatment Making someone better if they are ill
What link did God have to Causing Diseases? The people believed that God sent disease as a punishment for sin and that the disease was a sent to cleanse one's soul.
what Linked Witchcraft to the causes of disease? People believed that witches got their powers from consulting with the devil. Ways they would curse you with illness would either be : - Cursing you upfront -Putting a cursed item in the victims home or on them
What linked Astrology to the Causes of Diseases? The alignment of stars and planets would usually help with diagnosing a disease Star charts as well as the patients birthday were used to identify the issue this was influenced by Hippocrates
What links the devil/ Satan to the cases of Disease ? The devil used disease as a test of faith of those devoted to God
Examples of Cures - Fasting -Touching Holy relics -Chants -Paying for special masses
Examples of Preventions -Regular prayers to God -Amulets of Charms -Paying Church Tithes (taxes) -Religious Confessions
Who is Hippocrates? An Ancient Greek who developed the four Humors Theory based on his observations of the four season, nature and elements of his patients
Who is Galen? A doctor from Ancient Rome who built upon Hippocrates theory and made the theory of opposites to cure the imbalance of Humors.
What are the Humours Fluid in your body
What is Miasma Bad, Smelly air
What is a barber Surgeon Barbers who cut hair and also performed minor surgeries with no training
What are Physicians? An individual practiced in Medicine. Some education, training and maybe even university. They would have Diagnosed and suggest things but never carry out the operation themselves
What are Wise women ? Women trained in Herbal Remedies particularly in villages to help the poor
What is Phlebotomy ? Phlebotomy is the process of making a puncture in a vein, usually in the arm, with a purpose of drawing blood
What are 4 Humours ? The four humours are: Blood Black Bile Yellow Bile Phlegm
Connected to Humours what caused People to go sick? An imbalance of Humours would cause you to become ill
Name the three things that would cure you if your Humours were imbalanced? The theory of Opposites Purging Blood Letting/ Phlebotomy
What is the theory of opposites? Galen had a theory if you added the opposite of the humour that was out of balance, it would balance it. example : If the imbalance was Phlegm which is cold and wet. to cure it you would have something hot and dry.
What is Purging Purging is done wen you have too much black or yellow bile which would mean vomiting it out
What is Phlebotomy? Physicians, Barber Surgeons and wise women would drop blood out either by cuting the veins or adding pressure to remove the ad Humours or imbalanced Blood
What was used to defeat Miasma People had sweet smelling herbs stuffed in handkerchiefs and in home, they cleaned the toilets and the streets
What are the two branches of Treating the sick ? People: -Physicians -Barber surgeons - Apothecaries Places: -Hospital -Home
What is an Apothecaries? A chemist who deals with herbs
A benefit and Disadvantage of a Physician Advantage Foreign Physicians can and were allowed to do major surgeries Negative From 215, since clergymen were mostly Physicians they weren't allowed to perform major surgeries and cuts
Advantage and Disadvantage of an Apothecaries Advantage Since doctors were expensive, Apothecaries were a cheaper version Disadvantage Apothecaries didn't sign an oath of pledge to not harm patients so they didn't always give their patients cure and treatments but no on purpose.
Advantage and Disadvantage of a Barber Surgeon Advantage Some Barber surgeons were qualified and highly skilled and trained in university Disadvantage Barber surgeons were the least qualified Medical field in England
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