Numbers till 50


Read the clues and write the answers on your slate.
lini bose
Flashcards by lini bose, updated more than 1 year ago
lini bose
Created by lini bose over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
I am a two digit number. I have 0 in the ones place. I am one less than 21. Who am I ? 20
I am one more than 33 but one less than 35. Who am I ? 34
I come in between 40 and 50. I have 4 in both the places-tens and ones. Who am I ? 44
Page number ____ will come just after page number 49 in your textbook. 50
I am a two digit number. I have 0 in the ones place. I am number of days in September. 30
I am a two digit number. I come in between 20 and 30. I am the number of letters in English alphabet. 26
I am a one digit number. I am one less than 6. I am the number of vowels in English alphabet. 5
I am a single digit number that rhymes with a 3
While you count your scores... Here is the joke for the day! Can you tell what did the triangle say to the circle ?
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