Unit 3: Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Art


Covers the identifiers for the art history test on Unit 3.
Flashcards by EVA DAVIS, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by EVA DAVIS about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Athenian Agora Hellenistic Greece 650-150 BCE Athens, Greece
Anavysos Kouros Archaic Period 530 BCE Marble with remnants of paint
Pelops Kore from the Acropolis Archaic Greece 530 BCE Marble with Painted details
Sarcophagus of the Spouses Etruscan 520 BCE Terra cotta
Temple of Minerva & Sculpture of Apollo Vulca Etruscan Original Temple of wood, mud brick and tufa Italy
Tomb of the Triclinium Etruscan Tufa and Fresco Tarquinia, Italy
Niobides Kramer Niobid Painter High Classical Clay
Doryphoros Polykleitos 450-440 BCE Roman marble of a Greek original
Parthenon< Acropolis Iktinos and Kallikrates High Classical Marble Athens, Greece
Parthenon: Helios, horses, & Dionysus High Classical Marble Located in the Pediment of the Parthenon
Plaque of the Ergastines High Classical Marble Located on the frieze of the Parthenon
Erechtheion High Classical Marble Located near the Parthenon
Grave Stele of Hegeso Attributed to Kallimachos High Classical 410 BCE Marble and Paint
Winged Victory of Samothrace Hellenistic Greece 190 BCE Marble
Great Altar of Zeus at Pergamon Hellenistic Greece Marble Turkey—>Berlin
House of the Vettii Imperial Roman Cut stone and Fresco Pompeii, Italy
Alexander Mosaic from the House of Faun Republican Roman 100 BCE Mosaic
Seated Boxer Hellenistic Greece 100 BCE Bronze
Head of a Roman Patrician Republican Roman 75-50 BCE Marble
Augustus of Prima Porta Imperial Roman Early first century CE Marble
Colosseum Imperial Roman Stone and Concrete Rome, Italy
Forum of Trajan Apollodorus of Damascus Imperial Roman Brick and concrete Rome, Italy
Basilica Ulipia Imperial Roman Rome, Italy
Trajan’s Market Imperial Roman Rome, Italy
Trajan’s Column Imperial Roman Marble Rome, Italy
Pantheon Imperial Roman Concrete with stone facing Rome, Italy
Petra Treasury and Great Temple Ptolemaic/Roman Period Cut rock Petra, Jordan
Lidovisi Battle Sarcophagus Late Imperial Roman 250 CE Marble
Acropolis High classical Marble Athens, Greece
Temple of Athena Nike High Classical Athens, Greece
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