Created by Giusy Fotia
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
outgoing (adj.) | extrovert (adj.) |
introverted (adj.) | withdrawn (adj.) |
captivate (v.) | attract, catch (v.) |
be taken aback (phr.) |
shocked-baby (image/jpg)
shallow (adj.) | superficial (adj.) |
endure (v.) | tolerate, put up with (v.) |
cautious (adj.) | careful to avoid problems or dangers (adj.) |
tactful (adj.) | careful in the way they speak or behave in order not to upset other people |
mushroom (v.) | grow very quickly and suddenly (v.) |
frivolous (adj.) | silly, not very important (adj.) |
blazing row (phr.) | furious argument |
account for (phr. v.) | be or give an explanation for sth (phr.v.) |
conscientious (adj.) | working hard and careful to do things well (adj.) |
predisposition (n.) | a tendency to behave or think in a particular way (n.) |
agreeable (adj.) | pleasant (adj.) |
independent (adj.) | self-reliant (adj.) |
detest (v.) | hate (v.) |
susceptible (adj.) | easily influenced or affected by sth (adj.) |
swear by sth (phr. v.) | believe that sth is effective (phr. v.) |
set aside (phr. v.) | leave sth until later |
burn out (phr.v.) | work so hard that you are unable to carry on |
spring up (phr. v.) | appear suddenly |
put in (phr. v.) | spend time or effort on sth |
get over (phr. v.) | recover from an illness or sth unpleasant |
face up (phr. v.) | accept and deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant |
pay off (phr. v.) | be successful and bring good results |
let down (phr. v.) | fail to help or support sb as they had hoped or expected |
be at a loose end (phr.) | not having anything to do |
with any luck (phr.) | if things turn out well |
by a stroke of luck (phr.) | fortunately and unexpectedly |
take pot luck (phr.) | make a choice risking the outcome |
carried away with (phr.) | so excited by, or involved in, sth that you don't, notice anything else that is happening around you |
broaden your horizons (phr.) | extend the limits of your interests and knowledge |
dilatory (adj.) | slow to do or decide sth (adj.) |
obstinate (adj.) | stubborn (adj.) |
irksome (adj.) | annoying or boring (adj.) |
defer (v.) | rearrange an appointment (v.) |
bequeath (v.) | to give someone money or property after you die by a legal document called a will |
cruel (adj.) | ruthless (adj.) |
walk over someone (phr. v.) | treat someone badly without respecting their feelings |
grab the headlines (phr.) | been published as an important news |
aspiring (adj.) | wanting to start the career or activity that is mentioned |
out of this world (phr.) | extraordinary, exceptional |
prohibitive (adj.) | so expensive that nobody can afford it |
flourish (v.) | grow well and be successful |
cramped (adj.) | uncomfortable because lacking enough space |
in layman's term (phr.) | in a simple language |
pose a risk (v.) | cause, create a dangerous situation |
hence (prep. FORMAL) | for this reason |
drawback (n.) | disadvantage, inconvenience, downside |
what lies in store (idm.) | what is going to happen in the future |
in the pipeline (idm.) | being discussed, planned or prepared to happen or exist soon |
leave sth alone (v.) | leave sth unchanged |
on the cards (idm.) | very likely to happen |
alluring (adj.) | attractive and exciting in a mysterious way |
controversial (adj.) | subject, opinion, decision that people disagree about or do not approve of |
tuck sth into sth (phr.) | put sth into a small place especially to hide it |
aura (n.) | feeling or particular quality that seems to surround a person or a place |
what's around the corner (idm.) | happening very soon |
in the long run (phr.) | not immediately, but at some time in the future |
base sth on sth (v.) | use particular ideas or facts to make a decision, do a calculation, or develop a theory |
feed into (phr.v.) | put sth (datas...) into a machine |
prompt (v.) | make sb decide to do sth |
prod (v.) | persuade or encourage someone to do sth |
incite (v.) | encourage sb to do sth bad, eg. commit crimes or to be violent |
take into account (phr.) | consider sth when you're trying to make a decision |
deterioration (n.) | a state of becoming worse |
work out (phr. v.) | understand |
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