LvL 2 Economics Exam Prep 91224 - PPF Model


Key concepts around the PPF model in relation to Level 2 economics external, 21224, Analyse Economic Growth Using Economic Concepts and Models
Dani Young
Flashcards by Dani Young, updated more than 1 year ago
Dani Young
Created by Dani Young over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define the purpose of the PPF Model Is a model used to illustrate the combinations of two goods that can be produced.
Two Assumptions made when the PPF Model is Drawn * There is a fixed Level of technology * There is a fixed quantity of resources
The combination of goods on the curve being produced, resources are being used fully and efficiently at point x.
Shows that additional resources or technology is available to both Good A and B, shifting the PPF curve outwards from point A to B.
Shows that additional resources or technology is available to only Good B, shifting the PPF curve outwards from point A to B on Good B's end.
Increase in Productive Capacity Access to additional resources or technology that allows more of both goods to be produced with the existing resources for both goods.
Limitations of the PPF Model * Model is hypothetical, cannot be calculated and not accurate * Can only show combinations of two goods * Technology and availability of resources are ever-changing-changing the position of the curve
The PPF will shift inward when * An economy has exhausted its resources (depletion of natural resources) * Erosion of capital (less investment in capital, no capital to replace old capital breaking down, less production of goods)
A point within the PPF will shift inwards when Greater unemployment of resources i.e capital, labour, etc
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