Numbers till 50- Slate quiz


one less/ one more, number names and comparison
lini bose
Flashcards by lini bose, updated more than 1 year ago
lini bose
Created by lini bose over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Write the number name of 49 forty nine
What is the number name of 37 thirty seven
twenty six 26
nineteen 19
what is one less than 45? 44
What is one more than 39 ? 40
What comes in between 29 and 31? 30
What is one more than 23? 24
What is the number name of 21? twenty one
Which is greater? 34 or 43 43
Which has the lesser value? 26 or 29? 26
Write the numeral for fifty 50
Put the correct sign ( < , > or =) 27 ____ 37 27 < 37
Put the correct sign ( < , > or =) 48 ____ 32 48 > 32
Put the correct sign 8 _____ 48 8 < 48
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