Created by shaina.ahluwalia
over 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
Induvidual Differences | Distinctiveness and variations among people's characteristics and behaviour patterns. |
situationism | Situations and circumstances in which one is placed influences one's beaviour |
Assessment | Refers to the measurement of psychological attributes of induviduals and their evaluation, often using multiple methods in terms of certain standards of comparison. |
Types of Assessment | Informal, Formal |
Formal Assessment | It is objective, standardised and organised. |
Psychological Assessment | It uses systematic testing proceduresto evaluate abilities, behaviours and personal qualities of an induvidual |
Psychological Attributes | Complex and usually multi-dimensional. |
Some Attributes | 1.Intellegence. 2. Aptitude. 3.Interest. 4.Personality. 5.Values. |
Intellegence (attribute) | It is the global capacity to understand the world, think rationally and use available resources effectivelywhen faced with challenges. |
Aptitude (attribute) | Induvidua'ls underlying potential for acquiring skills. |
Interest (attribute) | Induvidual's preference for engaging in one or more specific activities relative to others. |
Personality (attribute) | Relatively enduring characteristics of a person that make her or him distinct from others. |
Values ( attribute) | Enduring beliefs about an ideal mode of behaviour |
Why intellegence test? | Provide a global measure of a person's general cognitive competence, including the ability to profit from schooling. |
Why aptitude test? | Used to predict what an induvidual will be able to if given proper environment and training. |
Why interest assessment? | Knowledge of interests helps us in making choices that promote life satisfaction and performance on jobs. |
Why Personality test? | They try to assess an induvidual's unique characteristics. They help us to explain an induvidual's behaviour and predict how s/he will behave in future. |
Why value assessment? | A person having a value sets a standard for guiding her/his actions in life and also for judging others. We try to determine the dominant values of a person. |
Psychological Test | It is an objective and standardised measure of an induvidual's mental and/or behavioural characteristics. |
Uses of Interview | Counsellor, survey, recruitment, etc |
Two types of Psychological test | Objective and Projective |
Case Study | It is an in-depth study of the induvidual in terms of her/his psychological attributes, psychological history in the context of her/his psychosocial and physical environment. |
Objective tests | They have been developed to measure all the dimensions of psychological attributes. They are widely used for the purposes of clinical diagnoses, guidance, personnel selection, placement and training. |
Use of Case Study | They are widely used by clinical psychologists. Case analysis of great lives can also be done. They are based on data generated by different methods like interview, observation, questionnaire , psychological tests, etc. |
Projective tests | They have been developed for the assessment of personality. |
Observation | It involves employing systematic, organised and objective procedures to record behavioural phenomena occuring naturally in real time. |
Interview | It involves seeking information for a person on a one-to-one basis. |
Drawbacks of Observation | 1. Observer has little control over the situation. 2. Reports may suffer from subjective interpretation. |
Self Report | It is a method in which a person provides factual information about herself/himself and/or opinions, beliefs etc that s/he holds. |
How is Self report obtained | It can be obtained through an interview, questionnaire, a psychological test or a personal diary. |
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