The Power Elite


Cassandra Castel
Flashcards by Cassandra Castel, updated more than 1 year ago
Cassandra Castel
Created by Cassandra Castel about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a quotes to describe the power elite? "They are all that we are not"
What are the power elite? Individuals in high positions of power,whose decisions have major consequences to others
What is dominating our economy? Two or three hundred giant corporations, administrators that are interrelated and hold the keys for economic decisions
People of higher circles an be conceived as what? Members of the top social stratum
What could be said about those in different higher circles? That they are overlapping crowds, a series of intricately connected cliques.
Do indivuals with advantages see themselves as such? No; they believe that they are inherently worthy of success. And disregard the fact that what they have achieved is largely due to their predetermined advantages.
Define "American success" Having a position of political, social or economic power alongside status and wealth
What is the invisibility of the elite? The elites are so scattered that although there may be an upper class there is no ruling class.
What three keys ideas do you need to know to understand the power elite? 1) That the elite have unity in their socioeconomic and psychological similarities. 2)That the elites gain power from the bureaucracies they rule over 3) Co-coridnation is one basis of the unity between the power elite
What does the American dream entail as described by Horschild (1995)? 1)Regardless of origin anyone can attain the American dream 2)The American dream is a hopefulness for success 3)The American dream is possible through actions that are under the individuals direct control 4)Because of the association of the success and virtue the American dream can come true
What is the meritocracy? describe a social system that allows people to achieve success proportionate to their talents and abilities
______ _______ is seen as a powerful factor in meritocracy Hard work
What is one side effect of meritocracy? the erosion of the sense of self-worth for those at the bottom of society, as defined by the individual
Favoring the ______ _______ _____ will create an unequal society and, if one supports genetic superiority arguments, lead to a caste system without social mobility. intelligent and hardworking
_____ ______in the United States has a history of racial and class-based exclusion that continues to effect education today Higher education
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