Message and Communication


basic basic Flashcards on Message and Communication, created by Cultura Online on 20/10/2021.
Cultura Online
Flashcards by Cultura Online, updated more than 1 year ago
Cultura Online
Created by Cultura Online over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The interpreter is responsible for managing the communication flow. True or False. True.
The interpreter is NOT responsible for the communication process. True or False. True.
The interpreter is not responsible for overcoming the communication barriers between the patient and the provider. True or False. False
The interpreter only needs to convey the words, not the cultural meaning of communication. True or False. False.
Mental, emotional, psychological, physical stressors are barriers to communication. True or False. True.
A message answers the questions, what, where, when, why, or how many, within the context of the encounter. True or False. True.
Understanding the meaning of the message is a mental process that requires active listening and analysis of the message. True or False. True.
Critical information is information that can put a patient's life or health at risk. True of False. True.
Keywords are the important words or details that are used to convey the full meaning of the message. True or False. True.
Qualifiers such as "sometimes," "generally," "indicates," are not important in analyzing the message. True or False. False.
The emotional tone is conveyed in verbal and nonverbal messages. True or False. True.
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