Forces of Motion Part 1


Flashcards on Forces of Motion Part 1, created by Molly Luke on 21/10/2021.
Molly Luke
Flashcards by Molly Luke, updated more than 1 year ago
Molly Luke
Created by Molly Luke over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
air resistance the force of the air pushing against an object moving through the air; this force acts in the opposite direction of the object's motion
balanced forces forces that act on an object but cancel each other out
buoyant force the upward force exerted on an object by water
force a push or pull that causes an object to move, stop or change direction
friction a force that opposes motion
gravitational force the pull of all objects in the universe on one another
gravity the attraction between objects and Earth
kinetic energy the energy of motion
magnetic the ability to attract iron objects
magnetic force the force produced by a magnet
net force the combination of all the forces acting on an object
potential energy the energy an object has because of its condition or position
unbalanced forces forces that act on an object and do not cancel each other out; this causes a change in motion
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