Chapter 3 & 4


French 201 Flashcards on Chapter 3 & 4, created by bmp8 on 09/11/2013.
Flashcards by bmp8, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bmp8 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
se balader to stroll
se donner rendez-vous to arrange to meet
faire du jogging to go jogging
faire du leche-vitrines to go window shopping
faire du velo to go biking
faire une promenade en bateau to take a boat ride
frequenter to see often
passer to spend (time)
prendre un verre to have something to drink
rencontrer to meet by chance
(se) retrouver to meet by design
rigoler to laugh
une bande gang
un copain buddy, pal, significant other
une copine female friend, significant other
un rapport relationship
bavard(e) outgoing, talkative
genial(e), super great, cool
passionne(e) (de) crazy about
sportif (-ive) athletic
le basket basketball
une boite night club
le cinema movies
un club night club
une distraction amusement
le football soccer
le loisir leisure time
les loisirs leisure time activities
la lmarche walking
un parc d'attractions amusement park
une randonnee hike
une soiree party
la voile sailing
les affaires (f. pl.) personal belongings ("stuff")
l'argent (m.) de poche spending money
les baskets (f. pl.) tennis shoes
un blouson jacket
les depenses (f. pl.) expenses
les fringues (f. pl.) clothes
la griffe logo, designer's label
un lecteur CD/DVD/ blu ray CD/DVD/Blue Ray Player
la marque brand
une moto motorcycle
un ordinateur portable laptop computer
le permis de conduire driver's license
une planche a voile windsurfing board
un portable cell phone
une raquette de tennis tennis racket
un scooter moped
un velo bike
les vetements (m. pl.) clothes
le chomage unemployment
la conscience politique political awareness
la drogue drugs
l'environnement (m.) environment
la reussite success (financially)
les SDF (sans domicile fixe) (m. pl.) homeless
le sida AIDS
le travail benevole volunteer work
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: Partir to leave
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: dormir to sleep
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: sortir to go out
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: servir to serve
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: ouvrir to open
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: offrir to offer
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: courir to run
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: venir to come
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: (conjugated like 'venir') devenir to become
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: (conjugated like 'venir') revenir to come back
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: (conjugated like 'venir') se souvenir de to remember
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: (conjugated like 'venir') tenir to hold
IRREGULAR -IR VERBS: (conjugated like 'venir') obtenir to obtain
What does 'Venir de' mean? conjugated in present tense & followed by infinitive, it is the equivalent of to have just something: ll vient d'arriver - He has just arrived Je viens de faire mes devoirs - I have just done my homework
ce (cet) - m. cette - f. this, that
ces - masc. & fem. these, those
The Comparative Comparing two elements
Comparative: plus...que more...then "Ces cafes sont plus interessants que les autres"
Comparative: moins...que less...than "Lucien est moins bavard que Marie"
The Comparative: aussi...que "Je suis aussi intelligente que toi"
The Superlative highest degree of comparison.
(le/la/les) (plus/moins) (adjective) (de/du) * Il est le plus intelligent de la class * Cette voiture est la moins chere de toutes les voitures
s'abbonner (a) to subscribe (to)
allumer, mettre en marche to turn on
changer de chaine to change channels
diffuser to broadcast
eteindre to turn off
naviguer to navigate
passer a la tele to appear on tv
plaire to please
presenter to introduce
raconter to relate, to tell
rater to miss
regler to adjust
auvegarder to save (a document)
un(e) abonne(e) subscriber
des achats (m. pl) a domicile home shopping
les actualites (f. pl) latest news
une antenne antenna
une antenne parabolique satelite dish
une banque de donnees data bank
une boite de reception inbox
une chaine channel
un courrier electronique, un e-mail email
un documentaire documentary
l'ecran (m.) screen
le petit ecran tv
une emission tv program
un episode episodee
un feuilleton soap opera
un fichier file
un(e) internaute Internet User
un jeu televise game show
un logiciel software
le materiel hardware
une messagerie email account
la mise en reseau networking
le moniteur monitor
un mot-cle key word
un mot de passe password
un moteur de recherche search engine
un navigateur web browser
une page d'accueil home page
un portable cell phone/laptop
le poste de television tv set
un(e) presentateur (-trice) host
le programme schedule of tv shows; computer program
un pseudo user name
la pub commercials
une pub commercial
un repondeur anwsering machine
un reseau network
un reseau communautaire/social social networking site
un salon de chat chat room
une serie series
le shopping en ligne online shopping
une souris mouse
un system d'exploitation operating system
le teleachat tv shopping
la telecommande remote controll
un(e) telespectateur (-trice) tv viewer
le teletravail telecommuniting
le televiseur tv set
les varietes variety shows
le Wifi wifi
le zapping channel surfing
accro addicted
branche(e) plugged in; with it
crypte(e) encrypted
diffuse(e) (deja) broadcast (rerun)
en direct live
en ligne online
en panne not working, out of order
interactif (-ive) interactive
numerique digital
par cable cable
privatise(e) denationalized
sans fil wireless
telematique computerized telecommunications
IRREGULAR -OIRE VERBS: croire to believe
IRREGULAR -OIRE VERBS: boire to drink
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: ecrire to write
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: dire to say, to tell
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: lire to read
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: vivre to live
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: suivre to follow; to take (a course)
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: prendre to take (food)
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: (conjugated like prendre) apprendre to learn
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: (conjugated like prendre) comprendre to understand
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: (conjugated like prendre) suprendre to surprise
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: mettre to put (on)
IRREGULAR -RE VERBS: connaitre to know
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