Network Hardware & Physical Media


Flashcards on Network Hardware & Physical Media, created by 11.carrollp on 14/09/2015.
Flashcards by 11.carrollp, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 11.carrollp about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Network Hardware & Physical Media Summary of Flashcards -Routers -switches -Fibre optic -Coaxial -Twisted Coaxial
Routers A router will accept incoming data packets arriving from a connected Local Area Network, it will then read the destination address emedded in each data packet and work out which of the other LANs it is connected to is the best one to use for that particular data packet.
Switch A switch is a component which is used within a computer network.connected to it on each port. This piece of hardware is responsible to direct incoming and outgoing data between computers and the cloud.
Coaxial Co-axial cable is excellent for carrying radio signals. The lead going from the television aerial to your television is a co-axial cable. The lead from the satellite dish to the receiver is a co-axial cable. Some data transmission cable is co-axial, although it is used less these days for that, as twisted-pair and fibre-optic cables are more popular
Twisted coaxial .
Fibre Optic .
Bus topology A bus topology is single line/cable with a start and end terminator. a printer and other peripheral devices can be connected on the same line.
Bus topology Advantages Easy to install Easy to add extra workstations Uses less cable than a Star networks Best choice for temporary networks
Bus topology disadvantages If there is a problem with the central cable, the entire network stops working If there area lot of workstations on the network, data can travel slowly Data collisions can happen as the network becomes busy Low security- every workstation can see all of the data in the network limited cable length and a maximum number of workstations
Star topology A star topology is when
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