My Flashcards or Ch 2 Vocab


My vocab cards.
aprils s
Flashcards by aprils s, updated more than 1 year ago
aprils s
Created by aprils s about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mesopotamia an ancient region in W Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers: now part of Iraq
Fertile Crescent the region where the first settled argricultural communities of the middle east and Mediterranean
Polytheistic The belief in more than one god
Ziggurat an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower consisting of a lofty pyramidal structure built in successive stages
Theocracy a system of government by priests claiming a divine commission
Cuneiform a system of writing developed by the ancient Sumerians about 3500-3000 BC
Hammurabi's Law Code a very strict law based on a eye for a eye. Very violent and not fair
Patriarchal government ran by fathers and or older males
Nile River originating in central Africa and flowing north to the Mediterranean Sea
Inundation the annual flooding of the Nile River. The flood river leave behind rich fertile mud
silt fine sand
King Menes Menes was the king from Upper Egypt who was the traditional founder of the united Egypt
dynasty a family line of rulers. Runs in the family by heredity
Pharaoh a title of an ancient Egyptian king
"Ba+Ka" Ancient Egyptians believed the soul had three parts, the ka, the ba, and the akh
Mummification it was a very important to ancient Egyptian religious beliefs that the human body was preserved. their method of preserving the body was called mummiication.
canopic jars cotainers used to hold the internal organs of the deceased that was going to be mummified; the jars had lids shaped as the heads o the 4 sons of Horus
Sarcophagus ormed the outer layer of protection for royal mummy, with several layers of coffins nested within, and was often carved out of alabaster
King Khufu earned everlasting fame for being the pharoah responsible for the Great Pryramid at Giza which he built to serve as his tomb.
Great Pryramid the largest of the three pryramids at Giza; built by king khufu; the only monument of the 7 wonders of the ancient world to survive
Great Sphinx one of the largest and oldest statues in the world. Archeolotgists believe that it was carved around 2500 BC and and that the head is meant to be the likeness of the pharoah Khafra
Hieroglyphics Egyption picture writing
The Rosetta Stone a stone wioth writing on it in two langauges (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts
Hyksos invaded Egypt; and ruled or 200 years; introduced the horse drawm chariot
Hatshepsut irst great woman ruler in history; she ruled Egypt as king not queen. Scupltures and masks show her with a false beard.
Akgenaten rejected the traditional religion in favor of worshiping the Aten, or sun disc, after whom he renamed himself. He closed all the temples to the old gods and obilterated their names from monumnets.
King Tut 17 year old boy pharoah whose tumb survived untouched by grave robbers; more than 3,000 artiacts discovered in his tomb
Ramses II Ramses the Great reigned 67 years; fathered over 100 children; defeated the Hittites, the other superpower o ancient times ; he declared himsel a living god
Papyrus reed like plant that grows on the Nile River Ancient Egyotians used to write ine
Cultural diffusion the spreading of ideas from one culture to another
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