
Thinkers, scientists, philosophers in Stage 1.
Mariana Olivares
Flashcards by Mariana Olivares, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariana Olivares
Created by Mariana Olivares about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Julio Herminio Pimienta Explains that Epistemology or Theory of Knowledge, is the knowledge and object of study of philosophical and scientific discipline. Edgar Morin Affirms that epistemology it is “the knowledge of knowledge”
Mario Bungue Affirms that epistemology is not above or below science, Julian Baggini Affirm that the process of knowledge and rely upon knowledge, with daily life situations.
Rene Descartes ( 1596- 1650) Said “everything that helps the rationality of the subject is the foundation of knowledge.” Blaise Pascal ( 1623- 1662 ) Devoted himself to the study of mathematics, and favored the reason over the experience
John Locke ( 1632- 1704 ) Studied medicine and chemistry, he affirmed that everything we think and know is the result of our experience. George Berkeley ( 1685- 1753 ) Denied that anything existed if it’s not possible for the individual to have an experience of it.
David Hume ( 1711- 1776) Current symbol of empiricism, show that reason isn’t enough to know. Isaac Newton ( 1643- 1727 ) Based all his research on empirical experimentation to obtain universal laws.
Francis Bacon ( 1561- 1626 ) Enunciated a very self-explained metaphor that help us understand a paradox. Emmanuel Kant ( 1724- 1804) Added the idea that value persists nowadays: human knowledge is only the possible through the interaction between experience and reason.
German Karl Marx ( 1818- 1883 ) Speaks of the natural reality that address the experimental science, also the social reality that address the humanistic & social science. Thales of Miletus ( 624- 546 BC ) First philosopher of the physis, and pioneer in searching rational explanations of reality.
Empedocles of Agrigento (495-444 BC) The inductive and deductive through as intuition, convince himself that nothing can originate from nothing and what exists can not disappear. Democritus ( 460- 370 BC ) He proposed the existence of an original component, a material indivisible and infinitely small.
Aristoteles ( 384- 322 BC ) Devised and recorded the first classification of living beings. Aristrchus ( 310-230 BC ) First philosopher to formulate a different system, and proposed that the stars and the Sun remain motionless and Earth revolves around the Sun
Claudius Ptolemy ( 85-165 BC ) Egyptian who improved during the Roman Empire, the Aristotelian system to make observations to better understand distance between the spheres of celestial bodies. Nicolaus Copernicus ( 1473- 1543 BC ) Acknowledged in the history of science for retaking the proposal of the heliocentric theory.
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