The 1981 Springbox tour


History Flashcards on The 1981 Springbox tour, created by Emma ria on 11/11/2013.
Emma ria
Flashcards by Emma ria, updated more than 1 year ago
Emma ria
Created by Emma ria over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What year was the first sporting contact between South Africa and New Zealand 1921
What year was Aparthied established in South africa 1948
Who was the P.M of N.Z during the 1981 Springbok tour Robert Muldoon
What was the P.M motto towards the tour "No politics in sport"
What was the event in 1976 which involved New Zealand and its connection with South africa The event was the Monteal olympics which were boycotted by 25 other african contrys in protest that New zealand would be able to attend. They felt that as we continued contact with South africa we were supporting the apartheid regime and wanted the IOC to disallow us entry to the games. Because the IOC refused to ban us the contrys wouldn't come.
What date did the south African rugby team land in New Zealand during 1981 The 19th July
Where was the first protest in New zealand Gisbourne 22nd of July Broke through fence but not onto pitch
What date was the cancelled Hamilton game 25th July
Why was the game at Hamilton cancelled Because protesters invaded the pitch and the rugby fans got angry and started throwing stuff.
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