A+ Flash Cards


A+ Flash Cards
Russell Fourie
Flashcards by Russell Fourie, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Koda M
Created by Koda M about 9 years ago
Russell Fourie
Copied by Russell Fourie about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is C:\NTLDR? (Windows XP) Started by the code in the MBR, NTLDR is the first OS file to be loaded. This is the equivalent to C:\Bootmgr.exe in Windows Vista/7/8
What is C:\BOOT.INI? (Windows XP) This is the 1st file started by NTLDR if there are no SCSI drivers being used. Builds the operating system selection menu, and tells the computer where each OS is located. This is the equivalent to C:\BCD.DAT in Windows Vista/7/8
What is C:\NTDETECT.COM? (Windows XP) Started by NTLDR.EXE after BOOT.INI is loaded. Detects and initializes hardware on boot.
What is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NTOSKRNL.EXE? (Windows XP) Started by NTLDR.exe after NTDETECT.COM is loaded. Core kernel code responsible for tasks such as thread management.
What is C:\BOOTMGR.EXE? (Windows Vista/7/8) Started by the code in the VBR, BOOTMGR.EXE is the first OS file to be loaded. This is the equivalent to C:\NTLDR in Windows XP.
What is C:\BCD.DAT? (Windows Vista/7/8) Started by BOOTMGR.EXE, BCD builds the operating system selection menu, and tells the computer where each OS is located. This is the equivalent to C:\BOOT.INI in Windows XP.
What is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINLOAD.EXE? (Windows Vista/7/8) Loads the Operating System
What is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINRESUME.EXE? (Windows Vista/7/8) Resumes the Operating System if the system is started from a hibernate state.
(Command) Display basic TCP/IP configuration, such as IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. ipconfig
(Command) Display TCP/IP settings, including your Media Access Control (MAC) address, domain name system (DNS) server, and lease information. ipconfig /all
(Command) Release your IP address. ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew Renew your IP address.
What does this command do? ping <IP address> Send four test messages to the IP address or host name you specify; verify whether the other system is up and running.
(Command) Display TCP/IP protocol statistics and connection information. Can be used to see who is connected to your system; what ports are open; and if you use an -o switch, what the process ID is of the program that opened the port. netstat
(Command) Troubleshoot DNS problems. For example, you can get a listing of all the records in DNS using this. nslookup
(Command) arp Troubleshoot ARP. For example, you can use arp -a to view your Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.
(Command) View a list of running processes. Tasklist
(Command) Terminates a process when you supply the process id. Taskkill /PID <pid> /F
Mirrored disk striping. RAID level x is also known as RAID 1+0 because it is disk striping while mirroring the data written in the stripe. RAID 10
Disk striping with parity (RAID x volume). With RAID x volumes, the data is written to multiple drives along with parity information that is used to help recover data if a single drive fails. RAID x volumes need a minimum of three disks. RAID 5
Disk mirroring/duplexing (mirrored volume). With disk mirroring, the data is written to both drives involved in the mirror to provide data redundancy. Windows 7 supports disk mirroring. RAID 1
Disk striping (striped volume). With RAID level x, the data is split across drives with no data redundancy. RAID level x improves read and write performance by writing to multiple drives at the same time. You need a minimum of two drives. RAID 0
(Win32 Command) Check your hard drive for problems with the file system and for bad sectors. chkdisk.exe Check Disk
(Win32 Command) Make changes to Registry values; can be used to make selective backups. Prior to regedit.exe Registry Editor
(Win32 Command) Used from the command line to defragment a hard drive. defrag.exe Disk Defragmenter
(Win32 Command) Back up files to tape or any writable file system. ntbackup.exe Windows NT backup
This command verifies that system files have not been modified; or, if they have, replaces them with the original. It works with the hiddenC:\windows\system32\dllcache directory and the original operating system CD. sfc.exe System File Checker
(Win32 Command) See running programs and services, terminate problems, and view rudimentary performance information about the system. taskman.exe Task Manager
(Win32 Command) View detailed performance information perfmon.exe Performance Console
(Win32 Command) Reconfigure the boot process for troubleshooting and diagnosing the boot process. msconfig.exe System Configuration Tool
(Win32 Command) View hardware and configuration information for your computer. System Information msinfo32.exe
Logging component of the operating system; the central location for all logging activity. Event Viewer
What is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINLOGON.EXE? (Windows Vista/7/8) Starts the logon prompt. After logon starts EXPLORER.EXE.
(Types of Malicious Software) Code that runs on a computer without the user’s knowledge; it infects the computer when the code is accessed and executed. Virus
(Types of Malicious Software) Much like viruses except that they self-replicate whereas a virus does not. Worms
(Types of Malicious Software) Appear to perform desired functions but are actually performing malicious functions behind the scenes. Trojan horses
(Types of Malicious Software) Type of malicious software that is either downloaded unwittingly from a website or is installed along with some other third-party software. Spyware
(Types of Malicious Software) Software designed to gain administrator-level access to the core of a system without being detected. Rootkit
The act of manipulating users into revealing confidential information or performing other actions detrimental to the user. Social engineering Examples: phishing, shoulder surfing, and tailgating
The verification of a person’s identity, it helps protect against unauthorized access. Authentication
The four types of Authentication. 1. Something the user knows (password or PIN); 2. Something the user has (a smart card or other security token); 3. Something the user is (biometric reading: fingerprint or retina scan); or 4. Something a user does (signature or voice print).
A security feature in Windows 7/Vista which requires administrative login to perform higher tasks. UAC (User Account Control) in Windows 7/Vista requires administrative login to perform higher tasks.
The act of changing information using an algorithm known as a cipher to make it unreadable to anyone except users who possess the proper “key” to the data. Encryption
A feature of Windows which encrypts one or more files or folders directly within the Properties page. Makes files appear green. Encrypting File System (EFS)
A feature of Windows which encrypts an entire disk, available only on Windows 7 Ultimate/Enterprise and Vista Ultimate/Enterprise. Requires TPM. BitLocker
The 3 methods of Hard Drive Disposal. • Clearing (drive to be reused in house), • Purging (sanitizing, Ex. DoD 5220.22-M seven pass standard, degaussing) • Destruction (pulverizing, drilling holes in platters).
In regard to permissions- If you create a folder, the default action it takes is: To inherit permissions from the parent folder.
In regard to permissions- If you move a folder within the same partition, it: Retains the permissions.
In regard to permissions- If you move or copy a folder to another partition, the (new) folder: Inherits from the new parent.
This command is used to repair Bootmgr Bootrec/fixboot (Vista/7/8)
This command rewrites the master boot record in Vista/7/8. Bootrec/fixmbr (Vista/7/8)
This command rebuilds the boot configuration data store. Bootrec/ rebuildbcd (Vista/7/8)
This command repairs the Master Boot Record in Windows XP. FixMBR (XP)
This command writes new boot sector information in Windows XP. FixBoot (XP)
6 steps of the laser printing process. Clean-Charge-Write-Develop-Transfer-Fuse (Can-Chase-Write-Down-The-Facts)
This type of printer uses force to transfer ink to paper, for example, a print head striking a ribbon with paper directly behind it, similar to a typewriter. Impact Printer
Also known as an electrophotographic printer Laser Printer
This type of printer produces text and images by heating specially coated paper. Thermal printers
This type of printer works by propelling ink onto various sizes of paper. Inkjet Printer
The four most common motherboard form factors. ATX (most common), microATX, ITX, and BTX
This file contains setup errors during an installation of Windows. Setuperr.log contains setup errors during an installation of Windows.
Maximum number of partitions on a BASIC disk. A BASIC disk can have four partitions: up to four primary partitions, but only one extended partition. Logical drives are sections of an extended partition. (Practically unlimited on Dynamic Disk)
What is different about an active partition? The Active partition is the one that is booted from; it usually contains the OS.
Any section of a hard drive with a letter is called a ____________. volume.
Malware is short for: Malicious Software
Port 80 HTTP (Hardly Trying To Party at 80)
Port 443 HTTPS
Port 25 SMTP (Still Managing To Party at 25)
Port 23 Telnet (Nothing special at 23) eg No acronym for Telnet
Port 110 POP3 (Pooped Out Partying at 110)
Port 445 SMTPS
Port 995 POP3/S
In this type of attack, a vast number of compromised computers are to flood a specific server at the same time for the purpose of making that server and its services unavailable. Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
In this type of attack, one computer and one internet connection is used to flood a server with packets, with the aim of overloading the targeted server’s bandwidth and resources. Denial of Service (DoS)
Provide an example of a T-Carrier service. A T-1 or a T-3 is a service provided by a T-Carrier.
True/False: An Ethernet cable can be considered a display cable. True. CompTIA considers an Ethernet cable to be a type of display cable because of it's use with KVM and rack devices.
What is ADSL? Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line: Asymmetric because the Upload/Download speeds are different.
What is SDSL? Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line: Symmetrical because the Upload/Download speeds are the same.
DVI-A Digital Visual Interface-Analog (Think old TV set)
DVI-D Digital Visual Interface-Digital (Think 1's and 0's)
DVI-I Digital Visual Interface-Integrated (Works with either Analog or Digital)
What type of DVI connector is shown? DVI-A (Notice that Analog requires these 4 pins)
What type of DVI connector is shown? DVI-D (Digital)/Dual Link (Notice the 4 analog pins are missing. Notice the 6 pins in the center- these are required for dual link.)
What type of DVI connector is shown? DVI-D (Digital)/Single-link (Notice the 4 Analog pins on the left are missing, as well as the center 6 Dual Link pins.)
What type of DVI connector is shown? DVI-I (Integrated)/Dual Link Integrated=Analog+Digital (Note: Has Analog and Dual Link Pins)
What type of DVI connector is shown? DVI-I (Integrated)/Single Link (Notice Analog pins but no Dual Link pins)
Port 21 FTP (Free To Party at 21)
Port 53 DNS (Don't Need Sillyness at 53)
Port 143 IMAP (I Manage A Poo at 143)
Port 3389 RDP (Really Dead Person at 3389)
What is the color of a wire that reads +5 volts? Red
What is the color of a wire that reads -5 volts? White
What is the color of a wire that reads +12 volts? Yellow
What is the color of a wire that reads -12 volts? Blue
What is the color of a wire that reads +3.3 volts? Orange
Intel or AMD? Socket LGA Intel
Intel or AMD? Socket 775 Intel
Intel or AMD? Socket 1155 Intel
Intel or AMD? Socket 1156 Intel
Intel or AMD? Socket 1366 Intel
Intel or AMD? Socket 940 AMD (This is the only numbered socket AMD uses)
Intel or AMD? Socket AM2+ AMD
Intel or AMD? Socket AM3 AMD
Intel or AMD? Socket AM3+ AMD
Intel or AMD? Socket FM1 AMD
Intel or AMD? Socket F AMD
The device with SCSI ID _______ is always given the highest priority, as this ID is normally set aside for the host adapter. The device with SCSI ID 7 is always given the highest priority, as this ID is normally set aside for the host adapter.
(Types of Social Engineering) The act of trying to get people to give their user names, passwords, etc. by masquerading as someone else electronically. Phishing
(Types of Social Engineering) Observing someone’s screen or keyboard to get information, often passwords. Shoulder Surfing
(Types of Social Engineering) When an unauthorized person tags along with an authorized person to gain entry to a restricted area. If the authorized person allows the unauthorized person through- Intentionally: Piggybacking Unintentionally: Tailgating
What is a TPM? Trusted Platform Module (TPM) A chip residing on the motherboard that actually stores the encrypted keys. (Bitlocker needs this)
What does the "nb" in "nbtstat" stand for? NetBIOS
Which command line tool may be able to assist you in securing the open ports on a local workstation? netstat
What does robocopy stand for? Robust Copy
The address below is an example of what? APIPA - Automatic Private IP Addressing - allows DHCP clients to obtain addresses even in cases when the DHCP server cannot provide one.
What are the minimum system requirements for Windows XP? CPU = 233 MHz, RAM = 64 MB, Free disk space =1.5 GB. Media Center CPU = 1.6 GHz, RAM = 256 MB.
What are the minimum system requirements for Windows Vista? CPU = 800 MHz, RAM = 512 MB, and Free disk space=15 GB.
What are the minimum system requirements for Windows 7? CPU = 1 GHz, RAM = 1 GB (2 GB for 64-bit), Free disk space = 16 GB (20 GB for 64-bit)
How many pins does a PC100 memory module have? PC100 is SDRAM which has 168 pins.
How many pins does a DDR-200 PC-1600 memory module have? DDR-200 PC-1600 is 1st generation DDR which has 184 pins.
How many pins does a DD2-800 PC2-6400 memory module have? DD2-800 PC2-6400 is 2nd generation DDR memory which has 240 pins.
How many pins does a PC3-12800 memory module have? DDR3-1600 PC3-12800 is third generation DDR and has 240 pins. Although DDR2 and DDR3 both have 240 pins, they are notched differently and are not compatible with each other.
How many pins does a PC4-25600 memory module have? DDR4-3200 PC4-25600 is the fourth generation of DDR memory and has 288 pins.
How many pins does a PC800 RIMM have? PC800 RDRAM, or RAMBUS has 184 pins and comes in RIMMS instead of DIMMS. This memory is now obsolete.
True or False? SO-DIMMs of DDR and DDR2 both have 200 pins. True: The 200-pin SO-DIMM can be of the types DDR and DDR2. In both cases the notch is located at one fifth of the board length (20 pins + notch + 80 pins), but in DDR2 the notch is located slightly closer to the center of the board.
How many pins does a DDR3 SO-DIMM have? A DDR3 SO-DIMM has 204 pins.
How many pins does a UNIDIMM memory module have? A UNIDIMM memory module has 260 pins and can found in either DDR3 or DDR4 configurations.
(Win32 Command) Diagnostic tool for getting information about and testing a computer’s DirectX version. dxdiag (DirectX Diagnostics Tool)
(Win32 Command) MSTSC MicroSoft Terminal Services Client (Remote Desktop)
Identify the laptop adapter card shown: ExpressCard /54
Identify the laptop adapter card shown: ExpressCard /34
Identify the laptop adapter card shown: CardBus (PCMCIA)
What is the maximum range of a Class 1 Bluetooth device? 100 meters
What is the maximum range of a Class 2 Bluetooth device? 10 Meters
What is the maximum range of a Class 3 Bluetooth device? 1 meter
VDSL Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (This is just ADSL on steroids, 50-100Mbps speeds)
Identify the connector shown: BNC ((Bayonet Neill–Concelman) Usually just called "Bayonet Connector".
Identify the connector shown: F-Connector (Used for RG 5/6 cable)
Identify the connector shown: Fiber-Optic: LC (Remember "Little Connector". This is smaller than SC.)
Identify the connector shown: Fiber-Optic: SC (Think "SC" for "Scuare/Square". This is bigger than LC)
Identify the connector shown: Fiber-Optic: ST (Stands for Straight-Tip.)
What type of Cat5 cable is shown? STP (Shielded Twisted-Pair) This is regular network cable that is shielded (notice blue film). The shield protects the signal from radio-interference.
What type of Cat5 cable is shown? UTP (Unshielded Twisted-Pair) This is regular network cable, and is more susceptible to radio interference than STP.
What are the 3 private IP address ranges? Anything that is: 10.x.x.x 172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x Anything that is: 192.168.x.x
What is a RAM "channel", and how does it affect speed? Each "channel" represents the number of RAM modules that can be accessed at once, and therefore the maximum speed. Single Channel: 64-bit (One stick at at time.) Dual Channel: 128-bit (Two sticks at a time. 2x as fast as Single) Triple Channel: 192-bit (Three sticks at once. 3x as fast as Single, 1.5x as fast as Dual.)
What is a BD-R disc? Blu-ray Disc Recordable (Cannot be reused)
What is a BD-RE disc? Blu-ray Disc Recordable Erasable (Can be reused)
Identify the type of memory card shown: CF (Compact Flash)
Identify the type of memory card shown: SD (Secure Digital)
Identify the type of memory card shown: MiniSD (Mini Secure Digital)
Identify the type of memory card shown: MicroSD (Micro Secure Digital)
Identify the type of memory card shown: (Sony) Memory Stick
Identify the type of memory card shown: xD (eXtreme Digital) (Olympus/Fujifilm)
Name the connector shown:
Name the connector shown:
Name the connector shown:
Name the connector shown:
Name the connector shown:
Name the connector shown:
USB 1.1 Low Speed: 1.5 Mbpts/3 Meters High Speed: 12 Mbps/5 Meters
USB 2.0 480 Mbps/5 Meters
USB 3.0 5 Gbps/3 Meters
Firewire AKA Firewire 400 400 Mbps/15ft (4.5 Meters) per device (up to 63 devices) Half-Duplex
Firewire 800 800 Mbps/15ft (4.5 Meters) per device (up to 63 devices) Full-Duplex
SATA Rev. 1 1.5 Gbps/1 Meter
SATA Rev. 2 3 Gbps/1 Meter
SATA Rev. 3 6 Gbps/1 Meters
eSATA (External SATA) Same speed as Motherboard (1/2/3) but distance is 2 Meters.
802.11a 5GHz 54Mbps/120 Meters
802.11b 2.4GHz 11Mbps/140 Meters
802.11g 2.4GHz 54Mbps/140 Meters
802.11n 5GHz and/or 2.4GHz 600Mbps/250 Meters (4x 150Mbps Streams)
Who wins? Explicit or Inherited permissions? Permissions that have been explicitly granted override permissions that have been inherited from it's parent.
What is the difference between a RAM chip that is Single-Sided vs Double-Sided? The number of RAM "Sides" refers to it's "Ranks". If a RAM module has 1 rank, it means that all memory on the stick is accessed at once, whereas modules with 2 or more "sides" have multiple ranks that each have to take turns being accessed. This has nothing to do with whether or not there are chips on both sides of the module.
______ humidity and _______ temperature can contribute to ESD. Low Humidity and Low Temperature
What is the Resolution of VGA? (Video Graphics Array) 640x480
What is the Resolution of SVGA? (Super Video Graphics Array) 800x600
What is the Resolution of XGA? (eXtended Graphics Array) 1024x768
Who wins? Allow or Deny permissions? Deny permissions always override allow permissions.
What is the Resolution of WXGA? (Wide eXtended Graphics Array) 1366x768
What is the Resolution of SXGA? (Super eXtended Graphics Array) 1280x1024
Refresh Rate vs Response Time: Refresh Rate is the amount of time each frame of video is displayed whereas Response Time is the amount of time it takes one pixel to change colors.
This command rewrites the boot.ini file in XP. bootcfg /rebuild (XP version of BCDEDIT)
This command allows you to modify/repair the BCD in Vista/7/8 BCDEDIT (7 version of bootcfg)
Basic Disk vs Dynamic Disk Basic: *Works with pre-Win2K OS (DOS, 98,etc) *Only 4 partitions *Cannot be resized or RAID Dynamic: Only Win2K+ *2000+ Partitions *RAID, resizing, etc.
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