Unit 02_Practice for Fluency_Dialog 2A


College Languages - Unit 2: Introductory Phase (Practice for Fluency) Flashcards on Unit 02_Practice for Fluency_Dialog 2A, created by SLS Indonesian on 28/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
pagi morning
yang which is/are
dalam in; inside
buku book
seperti similar to; such as
utara north
naik mobil to go by car
naik bis to go by bus
ke sana (to) there
pusat center
medan field
merdeka independent
dekat near
istana palace
kedutaan embassy
di mana (in/at) where
sedikit a few
kira-kira approximately
setengah half
jam hour; watch; clock
itu that; those
keraton king's palace in Java
danau lake
tentu of course; definitely
pulau island
sama-sama you're welcome
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