Glossary Unit 03 (Set 1)


College Languages - Unit 3: Getting to Know You (Glossary) Flashcards on Glossary Unit 03 (Set 1), created by SLS Indonesian on 29/12/2021.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
to wait for tunggu (menunggu)
to be in the process of sedang
I am waiting for a taxi. Saya sedang menunggu taksi.
to take (a cab, bus, metro) naik (taksi, bus, kereta)
by (car, bus, metro) naik (mobil, bus, metro)
to ride (a bike, motorcycle) naik (sepeda, sepeda motor)
to live tinggal
Where do you live? Bapak tinggal di mana?
Where do you live? Di mana tinggalnya, Pak?
Where do you live? Tinggalnya di mana?
Where do you live? Rumah Ibu di mana?
Where do you live? Di mana rumahnya, Bu?
Where do you live? Rumahnya di mana?
already sudah
there/over there di sana
here/over here di sini
How long have you lived there? Sudah berapa lama Bapak tinggal di sana?
since sejak
(two months) ago (dua bulan) lalu
last (month) (bulan) lalu
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