Flashcards Science


Sexto Science Itziar Flashcards on Flashcards Science, created by Luciana Rosell on 15/02/2022.
Luciana Rosell
Flashcards by Luciana Rosell, updated more than 1 year ago
Luciana Rosell
Created by Luciana Rosell over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Nutrition It is the process by which living organisms take in subtances to survive.
What are nutrients for? Building, repairing and maintaning the body. Getting energy to perform life processes. Regulating body functions.
Types of nutrients Living organisms cannot use all the nutrients that exist as sources of energy for their life processes. Organic nutrients Inorganic nutrients
Organic nutrients Are complex substances (by living organisms) Have energetic value ex: fats, carbohydrates and proteins
Taking organics nutrients. Not all living organisms take organic nutrients from the environment. All living organisms need organic nutrients for life. Some living organisms produce their organic nutrients
Organic Classification Heterotrophic Autotrophic
Heterotrophic organisms consumers that cannot produce organic nutrients and they must get them from the environment.
Types of heterotrophics organisms Primary consumers: they feed on autotrophic organisms (plants). Ex: hervibores Secondary consumers: they feed on other consumers. Ex: carnivores Decomposers: feed on waste. Ex: fungi and bacteria.
Autotrophic Organisms They transform inorganic nutrients into organic nutrients not energetic value => energetic value
Classification of autotrophic organisms Photoautotrophs Chemoautotrophs
Photoautotrophs Use LIGHT as energy source transform inorganic nutrients from photosynthesis intro organic nutrients
Photosynthesis A chemical process in which photoautotrophics organisms produces organic nutrients using energy from the sun. CO2 + water + light -> energy into -> O2+glucose INORGANIC into ORGANIC Transform light energy into chemical energy
Chlorophyll The green color of autotrophs is a pigment called ... Substances allows cells to captures energy from the sunlight Only the plants that contain .... can perform photosynthesis
Chloroplast Inside eukaryotic cells that contains organelles
Light energy Is only used to carry out photosyntheses
Digestion The process by which heterotrophic organisms break food down into substances that cells can use
Internal digestion Saliva has digestive enzimes food is transported to the stomach chemical digestion continues to the intestine food is absorbed by cells living on the intestine walls
External digestion Fungi feed of other organisms of the floor Mushrooms variate of fungi threadlike tubes (hyphae) branch out. Cells in fungus absorb organic nutrients
Cellular respiration It is a chemical reaction that happens inside a cell. occurs when the organic nutrients, with oxygen obtained from the environment produces co2 and water o2 -> energy -> co2 + h2o
Mitochondria Cellular respiration takes place in this part of the eukaryotic cells. It is the power station.
Chemical reactions Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are opposite chemical reactions, In plants this two coexist.
Taking inorganic nutrients Land animals Aquatic animals Vascular plants Algae Fungi Unicellular organisms
Land animals Ingest water to get salts or food containing water Take in oxygen through lungs or spiracles
Aquatic animals Absorb water and salts Take in oxygen through gills Small size animals absorb water, salts and oxygen through the surface of their body
Vascular plants Absorb water and mineral salts from the soil
Algae Absorb water through body surface Mineral salts are dissolved on water They need O2 and Co2 to survive
Fungi Captures water and minerals salts from the surface. They get oxygen from the pores and nutrients from the hyphae
Unicellular organisms Protozoa and bacterias take in inorganic nutrients through cell membrane
Nutrients as source of matter Cells must grow and divide, this requieres matter. Cells manufacture the biomolecules they are made of
Nutrients as source of energy Cells use chemical energy to survive. Organic nutrients used as fuel to get energy
Nutrients as regulation of function Certain specific organic nutrients are required for regulation and coordination chemical reactions
ADN Nutrients mainly organic and inorganic combine to create a whole range of organic molecules of which organisms are made
Excretion The process in which living organisms expel some substances or waste that must be released from the cell to the environment.
Things in common between Autotrophic and heterotrophic Cells uptake nutrients from the environment. Using nutrients in the chemical reactions required to survive. Releasing waste from these reactions.
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