Academic Strategies for Excellence


Helping study for Academic midterms.
Ayanna Locke
Flashcards by Ayanna Locke, updated more than 1 year ago
Ayanna Locke
Created by Ayanna Locke about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How can you become successful in college and life? Depends on the quality of the choices YOU make.
How can you be successful in college? -Copy ALL directions -Be spontaneous -Be honest -Be creative -Dive DEEP
what are the eight choices that can help you become successful? 1. Accepting personal responsibility 2. Discovering Self-motivation 3. Mastering Self-Management 4. Employing interdependence 5. Gaining Self-awareness 6. Adopting lifelong learning 7. Developing emotional intelligence 8. Believing in yourself
Prior Learning Relate new information to previously learned information
Quality of Processing Use numerous and varied deep processing strategies
Quantity of processing Use frequent practice sessions of sufficient length distributed over time.
How can you become and active learner? Collect Organize Rehearse Evaluate
What is the formula for motivation ? V x E= M
What is the VICTIM mindset? The victim mindset keeps people from seeing and acting on choices that could help them achieve the life they want.
What is the CREATOR mindset? The creator mindset causes people to see multiple options, choose wisely among them, take effective actions to achieve the life they want.
What are the "six questions" of the Wise Choice Process? 1. What's my present Situation? 2. How would I like my situation to be? 3. What are my possible choices? 4. What' the likely outcome of each possible choice? 5. Which choice will I commit to doing? 6.When and How will I evaluate my plan?
How are those six questions helpful? It gives you questions to think about when making choices.
what are the five qualities of an effective goal? Dated Achieve Personal Positive Specific
what is effective visualization? Using all five senses and feel the feeling
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