

Includes: Durability of goods, opportunity cost, the economics of satisfying needs and wants, scarcity of resources, key factors of decision making.
Alyssa Richards
Flashcards by Alyssa Richards, updated more than 1 year ago
Alyssa Richards
Created by Alyssa Richards almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are durable goods & what do we expect of them? Provide examples Goods that can be used many times e.g. car/television Come with a higher price expectation that they will last a long time
What are non-durable goods? Provide examples Goods that can only be used once or don't last long. e.g. a sandwich or a litre of petrol or a plastic poncho
What is opportunity cost? Provide examples Something that a consumer gives up in order to satisfy a need or want e.g. when choosing between buying 2 items to one the consumer didn't buy is the opportunity cost.
What questions are involved in opportunity cost? What else could the consumer have bought with their money? Was there a tough choice between 2 options?
How are consumers' needs and wants satisfied? Producers use resources to manufacture the goods and services consumers desire.
What are the 4 resources produces use to satisfy consumer needs and wants? Provide examples 1. Land- naturally occurring resources e.g. forests or soil. 2. Labour- physical and mental effort of people working 3. Capital- goods used to make other goods e.g. tractors (production of crops) 4. Enterprise- combination of all other resources (land, labour & capital) to earn profit.
What does scarcity of resources mean? That resources are scarce or limited
Why are resources scarce? Provide examples They can be overutilized and become even more limited. e.g. fish are rare due to overfishing
How does customer service affect consumer decision making? ( 4 reasons) * most consumers will return to a retailer if they get good service. * Poor service can have the opposite effect * makes a consumer feel valued * important as there are lots of businesses offering similar goods and services.
How does price affect consumer decision making? ( 3 reasons) A major factor as: * If price is more than a consumer can afford, they are unlikely to buy it * Consumers want the best value for money * CCA 2010(promotes fair-trading/consumer protection), implemented per until pricing code for many goods
How does location/convenience affect consumer decision making? ( 2 reasons) Includes travel time, number of retailers in one location, shopping hours: * consumers don't have a lot of time, and want a hassle free experience (influences when, where and what'll they'll buy) * online shopping/app purchases are considered convenient
How does Marketing affect consumer decision making? ( 3 reasons) Marketing includes: ads, presentation, branding ect. Has a huge influence on consumer decisions: * influenced by the marketing of a product thinking they need a product * effective with continuous exposure * desentized from saturation
How does Gender affect consumer decision making? ( 3 reasons) * Influences some types of purchases e.g. cosmetics and tools * generally males & females have a no. of common wants e.g. music, cars & entertainment * Gender may play a role in some ads
How does Age affect consumer decision making? ( 2 reasons) * A consumers wants change over time * E.g. Babies wants rattles, tennagers want a phone, then a car, later you want a house and when you retire you want a world cruise.
How does Finance/Disposable income affect consumer decision making? ( 4 reasons) * if a consumer can't afford an item they may be able to access finance to pay for it * Finance includes interest * A consumer with a higher disposable income will spend a portion of their income on luxury items or lifestyle items, e.g. vacations or tours
What is a disposable income? The amount of money that households have available for spending and saving after income taxes have been accounted for
How does Environmental factors affect consumer decision making? ( 2 reasons) * a consumer might prefer products that don't harm the environment * Increased consumer awareness of environmental issues impacts purchasing behavior
How does Social Media affect consumer decision making? ( 2 reasons) * Websites & apps enable a user to share & create content or to participate in social networking (includes: insta and FB) * social influences with large followers post regularly, which can influence purchasing behavior.
How does Cultural facotrs affect consumer decision making? ( 2 reasons) Refers to a set of basic values, preciptions, wants and behaviors of a particular community: * influences the way certain consumers may behave * learned from parents and realities and becomes cultures.
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