Module 13 - Infectious Disease


SMC Biology 106 Dr. Terry Sellers, Professor
Terry Sellers
Flashcards by Terry Sellers, updated more than 1 year ago
Terry Sellers
Created by Terry Sellers over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the term that describes the relative ability of a pathogen to cause disease? Virulence
What 2 factors determine how virulent a pathogen is? 1. Ease with which pathogen enters the body 2. Degree and type of damage to cells
Bacteria, viruses, protozoans, fungi, and parasitic worms are examples of disease-causing organisms. The scientific term for disease-causing organisms is ____________. Pathogens
Bacteria are classified as which: Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes? Prokaryotes
If what you are looking at under a microscope does not have a nucleus it is which: Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes? Prokaryotes
The scientific term for bacteria that are shaped like a sphere. Coccus
The scientific term for bacteria that are shaped like a rod. Bacillus
The scientific term for bacteria that are shaped like a spiral. Spirilla
Not all bacteria are harmful. What are some of the benefits of bacteria? 1. Decomposition 2. Normal flora in the intestines 3. Component of some foods such as yogurt 4. Fixing nitrogen from the air into compounds organisms can use.
Probiotics, which are usually called beneficial bacteria, provide all sorts of powerful benefits for your body and brain. Yogurt Buttermilk Some cheeses Sauerkraut Pickles
__________ are chemicals that inhibit the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics
Antibiotics ____________ processes in bacteria but not in human cells. disrupt
Antibiotics prevent the ___________ of cell walls. synthesis
Antibiotics _________ the synthesis or production of cell walls. block
TRUE / FALSE Viruses are living organisms pathogens. FALSE They are not living. They are just DNA or RNA genetic material.
TRUE / FALSE Viruses and bacteria are about the same size. FALSE Viruses are much smaller
Viruses are genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat called a ____________. Capsid
Place the steps of viral replication in order. 1. ATTACHMENT: virus attaches to particular receptors on the host cell 2. PENETRATION: virus enters host cell and loses capsid 3. PRODUCTION of viral genetic information (DNA or RNA) and proteins 4. ASSEMBLY of new viruses 5 RELEASE of viruses from the host cell
TRUE / FALSE Protozoans are single-celled prokaryotic organisms FALSE They are eukaryotes
Protozoans cause disease by producing _________ and __________ that prevent normal functioning of host cells 1. Toxins 2. Enzymes
Name 4 diseases caused by protozoans. 1. Sleeping sickness 2. Amebic dysentery 3. Giardiasis 4. Malaria
Which protozoan infection should you be particularly concerning with when drinking from a stream or pond, especially when beaver are nearby? Giardiasis
TRUE / FALSE Deer ticks are the DIRECT cause of Lyme Disease. FALSE Deer ticks are the vector that introduce the bacterium into the victims system. If the deer tick did not have the bacterium in it, it would not result in Lyme Disease
TRUE / FALSE It is not unusual for weeks or even months to pass before symptoms of lyme disease develop after a deer tick bite. TRUE
What is the vector for West Nile Virus? Mosquitoes
Meningitis and __________ can result from having West Nile Virus Encephalitis
TRUE / FALSE Humans, horses and birds are the only known vertebrates that can be infected with West Nile virus FALSE There have been occasional infections of dogs and cats as well.
Define an epidemic and give some examples. (From Slides) Large-scale outbreak of an infectious disease Examples include bubonic plague and smallpox
Define an emerging disease and give some examples. (From Slides) Condition with clinically distinct symptoms whose incidence has increased over the last two decades Examples include HIV, SARS, H1N1 influenza
Define a reemerging disease and give an example. (From Slides) A disease that has reappeared after a decline in incidence Example is tuberculosis
List the 4 patterns of disease Sporadic diseases Endemic diseases Epidemic diseases Pandemic
Define and classify a sporadic disease. 1. Occur occasionally at unpredictable intervals 2. Affect a few people within a restricted area
Define an endemic disease and provide an example. Always present and pose little threat Example: common cold
Define an epidemic disease and provide an example. Occur suddenly and spread rapidly to many people Example: smallpox
Define a pandemic disease and provide an example from the slides. Global outbreak of disease Example: HIV/AIDS
Name a pandemic that has occurred within the last 10 years. Covid-19
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