Sports Psychology


Flashcards on Sports Psychology, created by batten.shelley on 17/11/2013.
Flashcards by batten.shelley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by batten.shelley almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Self efficacy is... an individual's judgement of their own capacity to perform a particular task
In sports psychology, self efficacy mediates the relationship between ______ and _____ ? An intervention and task performance
Microanalytic measurement involves measuring the ___, ___, and ___ of self efficacy. level, strength, and generality
The level of self-efficacy refers to what? A person's self-efficacy for the total number of tasks that make up any one sports behaviour (e.g. kicking a football)
The strength of self-efficacy refers to what? An individual's certainty that they can attain each level (of accomplishment).
The generality of self efficacy refers to...? the number of domains an individual believes they are capable of success in
Self efficacy influences the expectations an individual has of their performance. Name 6 things that influence efficacy expectations. performance accomplishment, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, physiological arousal, emotional states, imaginal experiences
What 2 outcomes are influenced by efficacy expectations? Describe them. behaviour patterns (choice of behaviour, the effort and persistence a person puts in), thought patterns (the sorts of goals a person selects, if they worry, and the kinds of attributions they make).
Performance accomplishment refers to... A person's past performances. These are often the best predictors of future outcomes. Also called reciprocal determinism.
Vicarious experiences refers to.... The kind of modelling a person observes. It may be retrospective self-footage, or participatory learning. A model that is at a similar skill level is the best.
Verbal persuasion refers to.... Auditory feedback. It may be self-talk. Or feedback from others. Feedback from credible, respected sources is best.
Physiological states influence efficacy expectations. How? The way a person interprets their physiological state (arousal, fear, pain, fatigue) influences performance. If arousal is interpreted as anxiety, this can lead to further anxiety.
B______ R is useful for reducing physiological arousal. It involves b____ and i____ Benson's relaxation, breathing and imagery
Imaginal experiences assist athletes e________ d_________ and d____ t_______. experience demand and decrease threat
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