Berlin Blockade and its consequences


GCSE Cold War Flashcards on Berlin Blockade and its consequences, created by sagar.joban on 02/04/2013.
Flashcards by sagar.joban, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sagar.joban almost 12 years ago
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West and East Germany, 1948 In 1948, French, British and US zones merged to form 'Trizonia'. With help from Marshall Aid, West Germany recovered and prospered. In East Germany, controlled by Stalin, there was poverty and hunger so many wanted to move to West Germany. To Stalin, it seemed that they were building W. Germany to attack, and after their new currency, Deutsche Mark, he cut off physical links to W. Germany.
Berlin Airlift The Allies airlifted supplies into Berlin beginning June 1948. The planes got through, suppling W. Germany for 10 months. By May 1949, when it was clear that Stalin's blockade had failed, he reopened communications.
The effects of the Berlin Blockade In May 1949, the British, French and US zones officially became the Federal Republic of Germany aka West Germany. In October 1949, the Soviet-occupied zone became the German Democratic Republic (GDR).
NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 1949 Military alliance - contained most states of W. Europe as well as USA and Canada. Main purpose was to defend each other from attack. If one was attacked, everyone would join to help.
The Warsaw Pact, 1955 In 1955, W. Germany joined NATO. Soviets responded with the Warsaw Pact - Commie version of NATO. The Soviets had not forgotten the damage that Germany had done to the USSR in WW2.
Berlin Blockade and Airlift, 1948-9 UK and USA wanted Germany to recover - couldn't afford to keep feeding Germany and felt that punishing them wasn't good for long-term peace. French were unsure but USSR wanted Germany to not re-build so was suspicious of UK and USA.
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