Greeting / farewells


Week 1
sls estonian
Flashcards by sls estonian, updated 10 months ago
sls estonian
Created by sls estonian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hi! Hello! tere tervist
Good morning! tere hommikust tere hommikut
Good afternoon! tere päevast
Good evening! tere õhtust tere õhtut
Have a good day! head päeva
Good bye! nägemist head aega
Good night! head ööd
Have a good evening! head õhtut
see you! / good bye! nägemiseni
All the best! Bye! kõike head
Cheers! tervist terviseks
until tomorrow homseni
see you kohtumiseni
have a good weekend head nädalalõppu head nädalavahetust
until we hear from each other kuulmiseni
sweet dreams head und
lets go lähme
is everything ok kas kõik on korras
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