Expressions 1-1


Flashcards on Expressions 1-1, created by sls estonian on 02/06/2022.
sls estonian
Flashcards by sls estonian, updated more than 1 year ago
sls estonian
Created by sls estonian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
get acquainted informal saa tuttavaks
get acquainted formal saage tuttavaks
let's get acquainted saame tuttavaks
allow me to introduce informal luba tutvustada
allow me to introduce formal lubage tutvustada
nice to meet you meeldiv tutvuda
nice to meet you rõõm tutvuda
same here minul samuti minul ka samad sõnad
how are you kuidas elad
how are you 1 formal kuidas te elate
how are you 2 kuidas läheb
how are you 3 kuidas käsi käib
how are you 4 kuidas elu läheb
thanks for asking tänan küsimast
well hästi
not bad pole viga normaalselt
excuse me informal vabanda
excuse me formal vabandage
forgive me informal anna andeks
forgive me formal andke andeks
thank you 1 tänan
thank you 2 aitäh
you are welcome 1 pole tänu väärt
you are welcome 2 olge lahke
you are welcome 3 palun
excuse me for being late informal vabanda et hilinesin
excuse me for being late formal vabandage et hilinesin
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