27 Amendments to US Constituition


27 Amendments to US Constitution
Zaria Humphrey5353
Flashcards by Zaria Humphrey5353, updated more than 1 year ago
Zaria Humphrey5353
Created by Zaria Humphrey5353 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
First Amendment Freedom Of Speech, Press Assembly, Petition, And Religion
Second Amendment Right To Bear Arms
Amendment Three No Quartering Of Soldiers
Amendment Four No Illegal Search And Seizure/Exlusionary Rule
Amendment Five Right To Remain Silent, No Double Jeopardy, Eminent Domain, Criminal Due Process
Amendment Six Right To Course (Attorney), Fair And Speedy Trial
Amendment Seven Jury Trial In Civil Cases
Amendment Eight No Cruel Or Unusual Punishment/No Excessive Bail
Amendment Nine Rights Of The People (Privacy, Right To Associate, Etc)
Amendment Ten Reserved Powers- Powers To The State Governments
Amendment Eleven Limits Lawsuits Against U.S. Gov't
Amendment Twelve Seperate Election For President/Vp
Amendment Thirteen Abolition Of Slavery
Amendment Fourteen Due Process, Equal Protection Clause, Incorporation
Amendment Fifteeen Cannot Prevent Voting Based On Race, Creed, Previous Condition Of Servitude
Amendment Sixteen Created Income Tax
Amendment Seventeen Direct Election Of Senators
Amendment Eighteen Prohibition
Amendment Nineteen Women's Suffrage
Amendment Twenty Lame Duck Election (Date Moved From March To January)
Amendment Twenty-One Repeal Of 18th Amendment
Amendment Twenty-Two Limits President To Two Terms In Office (10 Years Total)
Amendment Twenty-Three 3 Electoral Votes Given To Washington D.C.
Amendment Twenty-Four Abolition Of Poll Taxes
Amendment Twenty-Five Line Of Succesion For President/Presidential Disability Procedures
Twenty-Six 18 To 21 Yrs Olds Given Right To Vote
Amendment Twenty-Seven Limits Congressional Pay Raises
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