Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_Some Indonesian me- verbs - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Vocabulary For Fluency) Flashcards on Unit 04_Vocabulary for Fluency_Some Indonesian me- verbs - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
melihat to see
melarang to forbid
memakai to use, to wear
memanggil to call
memasak to cook
membagi to divide
membayar to pay
membakar to burn, to roast
membalas to answer
membangun to erect, to construct
membantu to assist
membaca to read
membawa to take, to bring
membeli to buy
memberi to give
membuang to throw (away)
membuat to make
membuka to open
memelihara to take care of
memeriksa to investigate, to examine
memesan to order
memilih to select, to elect
meminjam to borrow
meminta to ask for something
memotong to cut, to slice
menangis to cry
menangkap to catch, to seize
menari to dance
menarik to pull, to extract
mendapat to get, to find
mendengar to hear
menjadi to become
menjaga to guard, to look after
menjahit to sew
menjemput to meet, to call for
menjawab to answer
menjual to sell
menelepon to phone
mengejek to ridicule
menerima to receive
mengajar to teach
mengambil to fetch, to take
mengangkat to lift up
mengantuk to be sleepy
mengatur to arrange, to regulate
mengerti to understand
menggali to dig
mengganggu to annoy, to disturb
mengganti to change
menghapus to wipe off, to clean
menghukum to punish
mengirim to send
mengisi to fill, to load
mengubah to change, to replace
menggoreng to fry
menggosok to brush, to polish
menyanyi to sing
menyepak to kick
menyesal to regret
menyimpan to put away, to save
menyusul to refer to, to catch up
menyembah to pay homage to
menyusun to compose, to compile
meninggal to die
menolak to refuse, to reject
mencari to seek, to look for
mengecat to paint
mencoba to try
mencuci to wash
menulis to write
menunggu to wait
menurut according to, to follow
menutup to close
merasa to feel, to think
merokok to smoke
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