Command Words


You need to pay attention the the command words used in exam questions. The command word gives you information about what type of answer you need to write. Here are some flash cards to help you remember what type of answer they are looking for...
Flashcards by lsjin, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mr  Mckinlay
Created by Mr Mckinlay almost 9 years ago
Copied by lsjin almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
identity Theft when someone pretends to be you (imposter) and uses your personal information to commit fraud or other crimes.
Account Fraud Crime that occurs when someone obtains your credit card or bank information and makes unauthorized charges or withdrawls
Personal Information Examples: Pin #, password; bank account information; social security #
Ways thieves get your perso);nal information: phone calls; not logging off computer (secure sites); looking over your shoulder; dumper diving; computer / credit card machine hacking
How to keep your personal information safe: make passwords hard to guess; lock up information documents; keep personal belongings with you at all times
Bankruptcy court proceeding; remains on your credit record for up to 10 years
Chapter 7 chapter that of bankruptcy that removes your responsibility for paying most of your debts not secured by collateral
Chapter 13 the chapter of bankruptcy that is an option if you still have income, but can't pay your debts
Bankruptcy Requirements pre-bankruptcy that credit counseling and pre-discharge debtor edeucation
Bankruptcy Negative It may be hard to get a new credit for a car or a house or to get approved for a rental apartment
Bankruptcy Positive It can remove your worries about debts and give you a financial fresh fresh
Bankruptcy Stay on your credit report for to 10 years
Credit Ability to borrow money or obtain goods by paying little or no money at time of purchase. You pay orignal cost plus interest!
Reason we need credit: house or car
Bad Credit If you pay bills late and file bankruptcy
Good Credit If you your bills on time
How often can you request a copy of free credit report? once a year
You can get a copy of your credit report from: Experian, Trans Union & Equifax
Good Debt Going into debt over something that id\s
Good Debt Going into debt over minimum amount due for your credit card bill
Bad Debt Going into debt over something that you
Micro Businesses are very small compainies run by their owners with few or no employees
Many businesses fail because they lack adequate funding
A good businessperson has Discipline; Experience; Patience; People skills; and good with numbers
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