French - English Espace et Vie - Bavardons List 2


ILR Languages (French Intermediate) Flashcards on French - English Espace et Vie - Bavardons List 2, created by Kristen Walters on 21/07/2022.
Kristen Walters
Flashcards by Kristen Walters, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Created by Kristen Walters over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
across from en face de
in general en général
committed engagé(e)
activism, commitment engagement (un)
whole ensemble (un)
erosion érosion (une)
species espèce (une)
endangered species espèce en voie de disparition (une)
to request, to demand exiger
tired fatigué(e)
false faux, fausse
filter filtre (un)
frequent fréquent(e)
frustration frustration (une)
smoke fumée (une)
great, super, wonderful génial(e)
nice, friendly, pleasant (person only) gentil(le)
geographer géographe (un)
to guide guider
harmattan (desert wind) harmattan (un)
winter hiver (un)
hybrid hybride
idea idée (une)
it is critical to il est impératif de
it will be necessary (to) il faudra
to imitate, to copy imiter
impact impact (un)
impatient impatient(e)
impossible impossible
to include inclure
individual individu (un)
infinitely, immensely infiniment
flood inondation (une)
intelligent intelligent(e)
to interrupt interrompre
I get it! j’y suis!
linguistic linguistique
locally localement
madam madame
mango mangue (une)
to be a militant, to be an activist militer
ministerial ministériel(le)
to motivate motiver
to mature, to ripen mûrir
hurricane ouragan (un)
paper papier (un)
same, such a pareil(le)
lazy paresseux, paresseuse
passive passif, passive
period, stretch of time période (une)
fear peur (une)
phenomenon phénomène (un)
public square place publique (une)
to plant planter
outdoors plein air
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