Croatian_Unit 11_Day 2


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 11_Day 2, created by FSI Croatian on 21/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
kofer suitcase
pljačkati / opljačkati to plunder, to loot
uhićivati / uhititi to arrest
Staviti nekome soli na rep! You cannot do anything to this person! “Put salt on someone’s tail!”
napuštati / napustiti to leave
odlaziti trbuhom za kruhom Looking for a better life. “Follow your stomach looking for bread.”
seliti se / odseliti se to move
visoko obrazovani radnici highly educated workers
sređen, sređena arranged
zapošljavati / zaposliti to employ
računovodstvo accounting
osiguravajuća industrija insurance industry
tužno je it is sad
loše plaćeni poorly paid
medicinska sestra nurse
medicinski tehničar nurse
žaliti se to complain
nedostajati to miss
spojiti kraj s krajem to make ends meet
doseljenici settlers
sezonski rad seasonal work
privremeni rad temporary work
ugostiteljstvo hospitality industry
stručno usavršavanje professional development
osobna iskaznica persoal identification, ID card
odljev mozgova brain drain
računovođa accountant
povlastice privileges
boravit će kod nje he/she will stay with her
gastarbajter guest worker
prosječan, prosječna average
zarađivati / zaraditi to earn
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