Croatian_Unit 14_Day 3


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 Flashcards on Croatian_Unit 14_Day 3, created by FSI Croatian on 24/07/2022.
FSI Croatian
Flashcards by FSI Croatian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Created by FSI Croatian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
proći ulicom to walk down a street
ugođaj atmosphere
kućica small house, hut
štand stand or booth (with souvenirs)
Grad je pun života! The city is full of life!
izglasan, izglasana voted
božićni sajam Christmas market
tri puta three times
čarobno magical
valjda I guess, probably
izgledati to seem, to look (a certain way)
sadržaj content,
manifestacija event
kititi / okititi to decorate
okićen, okićena decorated
lampice Christmas lights
kamion truck
vrijeđati / uvrijediti to insult
Ja častim! My treat!
klizalište skating rink
Orašar The Nutcracker
O ukusima se ne raspravlja! Among tastes there are no disputes!
pečeni kesteni roasted chestnuts
propustiti šansu to miss an opportunity
imati pravo to be in the right
obilazak visit, tour (of a city, area)
ukras decoration
ledeni park ice park
klizanje skating
sklonište shelter
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